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Setting VisibleRange when changing TimeScale in a Stock chart

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In a stock chart application where X values are DateTimes and Y Values are doubles

If the user zooms in to a specific date and then change stock from search text box (i.e. changing the data in a DataSeries) then data inside chart should load and that date-range should be there if there is a data on that date .


i am doing storing of last visible range inside my custom SciChartAxisBase class but some how i am not able to set this function

any help?

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Hi Swati,

There are several options for you to achieve this. You could subscribe to listen to IAxis.VisibleRangeChanged event and store previous VisibleRange there, or you can extend existing/implement your own ViewportManager (take a look at this thread) and handle it there.

Also, it is probably worth to look at Zoom History implementation, where one of the customers kindly shared their code.

Please, feel free to ask if you need more assistance,

Best regards,

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