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Why can I see points outside VisibleRange?

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Hello. On my 3D chart, I set VisibleRange for the X and Z axes. My DataSeries contains more points than just those within the VisibleRange, but I don’t expect to see points outside VisibleRange (see the example image below).


To reproduce this effect I added this line to the CreateAScatter3DChart constructor in the SimpleScatterChart3D example:

SciChart.XAxis.VisibleRange = new DoubleRange(0, 5);

All the points in the data series appear, even those outside VisibleRange. How do I get the chart to clip the points so that only the points within VisibleRange are visible?

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Hi Daryl,

Thank you for reporting this. The VisibleRange changes the scaling of the 3D chart, but as yet, does not clip scatter points outside the VisibleRange.

We need to add this as an option to the Axis (or the SciChartSurface, or the series itself). I will create a task on our board as it seems pretty intuitive and important!

Best regards

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