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Why the data range of StackedColumn only get the highet value of a value in renderseries, not the total?

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Hi everyone,

When I run the example of StackedColumnChart, I see that the data range of YAxis is the highest value of data series, not the sum of them.

Is this a bug or correct behavior of stackedColumn chart.
enter image description here

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That looks correct to me. If you look at the axis, the total column height is 95, and each color block is labeled 56, 17 and 22. Are you looking at the bar labels (which corresponds to only the bar/color it’s sitting in), or the y axis to the right?

How would you expect it to behave?

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Hi Hanvyj,

If you add this line of code:
var dataRange= SciChart.YAxis.DataRange;

You will see that the max of dataRange is 56, I expect it should be 95.

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