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Zooming in real Time

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i want to do the same Zoom of this application(like the picture ) but in my application i don’t use the MVVM ! i think that the problem is in this step :
public ActionCommand SetRubberBandZoomModifierCommand { get { return new ActionCommand(() => SetModifier(ModifierType.RubberBandZoom)); } }
i haven’t the ModifierType in my application so how can i replace it in my Scichart ! and thank you!

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Hi Andrew,
okay! I developed an application like the same application “Oscilloscope” but without using the Mvvm(just drawing a curve in real time) so my purpose in to make the Zoom in this curve , but my problem is : When i make a zoom in my graph , the zoom will be instantaneous and the curve return without zoom, i want did the same Zoom like the application Oscilloscope (zoming and continue to draw the graph with zoom in real time) i hope you are understand me ? thank you !


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        <!--  Add some modifiers to zoom, zoom extents  -->

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        <Button Click="ZoomExtendsClick" Content="Extends Zoom" Height="30" Foreground="#FFD8BCBC">
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                <TextBlock Margin="3" Text="Zoom"/>


    • Guest
    • 9 years ago
    Hi Sahar, I'm not sure what can cause the issue, so could you please attach a complete code sample so we can look into? The surface definition looks alright, although the whole snippet seems to be mixed up a bit, maybe something got missed in it starting from the place where GroupBox appears.
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Hi Yuriy,
You can see my source code it’s a part from a big project, so i can explain some details : from the UserControl_SensorGraph2D.cs, i fill my series0 like this code : SensorG.CreateDataSetAndSeries(lstX_date_streaming, lstDataY_streaming); and into the SensorGrap2D.xaml.cs i make the definition
public void CreateDataSetAndSeries(List lstX, List lstY)

         series0 = new XyDataSeries<DateTime, double>(); 
        using (this.sciChartSurface.SuspendUpdates())
               series0.Append(lstX, lstY);                         

        lineSeries.DataSeries = series0;


it’s urgent for me to implement this step of Zoom ! And thank you!

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