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ZoomPanModifier does not work when sync multi charts.

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I tried the example “Sync multi chart mouse”, the ZoomPanModifier works well.

I have three charts sharing the mouse:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup=”cellTimeModifierGroup”. RubberBandXyZoomModifier and ZoomExtentsModifier work fine, but ZoomPanModifier does not work.

Do you know what will potentially breaks ZoomExtentsModifier when used for Sync multi chart?

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Have the same issue here. Two charts, using 3 modifiers (ZoomPan, MouseWheel and Rollover). The Rollover works fine and syncs between charts. The ZoomPan and MouseWheel don’t synch between charts, but they do work on the single chart being used. So it’s just not routing the events for thoes two modifies to the other chart.
I have the XAxis VisibleRange binding in place, I am just setting IsEnabled to “True” on each of the 3 modifiers I am using. The s:ModifierGroup s:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup=”myCustomGroup” is set up for both ChartModifies. Not sure what I am missing. I based it off the example. There is 1 thing I am doing different and maybe that is the issue. I extended Rollover so that I can catch OnModifierMouseMove. I wanted to display the Rollover data in two different locations on the chart, so I break it up to two different ObservableCollections and bind to them. To me this shouldn’t have an effect on the Mouse Sych, but maybe it is ? Code is attached is someone wants to take a peek and steer me in the right direction.

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