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Tag: CustomRenderSeries

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I’m sorry I couldn’t attach images because of security.

Zoom out
VisibleRange X1 min VisibleRange X1 max
    +——————————–+ VisibleRange Y1 min
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    +——————————–+ VisibleRange Y1 max

s : Point Start, e : Point End

In this state, Excute Zoom In Then “s====================e” disappears when the starting point is smaller than min and the end point is greater than max.

Zoom In : “s====================e” disappear
VisibleRange X2 min VisibleRange X2 max
    +——————————–+ VisibleRange Y2 min
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    +——————————–+ VisibleRange Y2 max

I want this chart
VisibleRange X1 min VisibleRange X1 max
    +——————————–+ VisibleRange Y2 min
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    +——————————–+ VisibleRange Y2 max

How do I draw when a chart is not drawn at the location of a given data using “CustomRenderSeries”?
“====” is a BOX(Rectangle), not a line.

The program source used for coding.
I am currently using
renderableSeries.ResamplingMode = ResamplingMode.None;

// DataInsert.cs

var renderableSeries = new DieRenderableSeries(positionOfDie, _dieLayout);

foreach (var pl in _dieLayout.PlaneLayout._plane)
  Plane plane = pl.Value;
  foreach (var ba in plane._bank)
    Bank bank = ba.Value;

    foreach (var matList in bank.NandMat)
      var renderableSeries = new DieRenderableSeries(positionOfDie, _dieLayout);
      List<KeyValuePair<Point, Mat>> matDataList = new List<KeyValuePair<Point, Mat>>();

      foreach (var mat in matList)
        mat.PointType = PointType.Start;
        matDataList.Add(new KeyValuePair<Point, Mat>(new Point(startX + mat.X1, startY + mat.Y1), mat));

      var myList = matDataList.OrderBy(x => x.Key.X)
              .ThenBy(x => x.Key.Y)

      var dataSeries = new MatDataSeries<double, double> { SeriesName = “Fault” };
      dataSeries.AcceptsUnsortedData = false;
      using (dataSeries.SuspendUpdates())
        for (var i = 0; i < myList.Count(); i++)
          Point myPoint = myList[i].Key;
          dataSeries.Append(myPoint.X, myPoint.Y, myList[i].Value);

      renderableSeries.DieX = dieX;
      renderableSeries.DieY = dieY;
      renderableSeries.DataSeries = dataSeries;
      renderableSeries.CountOfRenderableSeries = dataSeries.Count;
      renderableSeries.ResamplingMode = ResamplingMode.None;

// CustomRenderableSeries.cs

for (var i = 0; i < _series.Count; i++)
  var data = renderPassData.PointSeries[i];
  var mat = (Mat)DataSeries.Metadata[data.Index];

  Point point = GetCoordinatesFor(data.X, data.Y);
  Point point2 = GetCoordinatesFor(data.X + mat.Width, data.Y + mat.Height);

  IBrush2D brush = _dicBrush[mat.TypeX];
  var pen = _bgndPens[mat.IsRedun && IsRedunVisibled ? 1 : 0];

  drawingHelper.DrawBox(point, point2, brush, pen, 0);

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