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Tag: Heatmap

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1 vote

I have been reading about the performance of the heatmap chart. In some post I have found that the heatmap was going to be redesign to improve the performance, someone knows if this have happened?

My issue is that I’m trying to implement the waterfall example, but my 2d array is 50 x 31000 and when I try to render in realtime (with a loop of 500ms or below) it goes extremely slow and the whole app doesn’t respond.
When I switch the ResamplingMode to “Max” it improves a slightly, however the chart start to show some black gaps and color stripes like the data is not rendered properly.

If I run the same example with an smaller array like 100 x 100 none of this happens.

am I hitting the the boundaries of what can be done with the heatmap?

Are there any suggestions to improve the performance? (I have tried the StockThickness=1 and AntiAliasing=false)

If it is useful I can post some code.

0 votes


InvalidatateParentSurface does’t seem to update the text in the heatmap cell however the change seems to be detected and the color value is getting updated. Can you please suggest how to fix this?

Attached is a sample.


  • mijothomas asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
0 votes

I have the necessity to allow the user to draw one or several polygons upon a heatmap chart to let him select the region he is interested in. See attached image.

I don’t want to selected the markers inside the drawn polygon, only to know the coordinates (in data coordinates, not screen) of the various point that define the polygon.
I saw that the way to do this is to use Annotations however it’s not clear to me if is it possible to have the same behaviour of the BoxAnnotation but with a polygon (without any side number limit)?

Thank you,


1 vote

I am looking to do some custom formatting of the Heatmap.

Is it possible to show no text if the values are the minimum, and format these buckets to a predefined colour e.g. transparent?

Then I am only showing those buckets with values.

I am using the HeatmapChartwithText as a basis for my prototype at the moment.

This thread looked promising but wasn’t quite what I was looking for, and this thread was last updated a year ago and couldn’t find anything else on the subject so figured it was worth re-asking…

0 votes

Hi all

I have looked at the examples (briefly) for heatmaps and it doesnt seem to work how I would like

I would like to be able to do a more basic uniform heatmap – such as the example below. Is this possible with SciCharts? If so, which series/chart type would be best to use

Many thanks

0 votes

In a previous project (matlab based) we have created charts as in the attached image.

This was previously done by adding all the points to a 2d histogram, this is a bit cumbersome as to give nice output the data needs to be resampled so that data points are equidistant at the display scale otherwise fast rises or falls (i.e. a small number of equi-time points). This approach becomes even worse if you want to enable interactive inspection of the plot instead of static as this will need to be recalculated for each zoom level.

Is there an easy way a similar effect in scichart without having to resort to manually creating 2d histograms. I was thinking there may be some option I can play with on how line series are rendered that might be able to generate this effect.

  • Hugoagogo asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
1 vote

Dear all, I am trying to export a heat map that I have generated that you can see at the right side of the attached image. However, the resulting XPS generated is the figure at the left. As one can see they are not very similar as one would expect. I have checked my code, but can’t seem to find the problem. Parts of my code are shown here to give more info. If anyone has tips why this strange result may occur , let me know please.

 <s:SciChartSurface x:Name="sciChart"  ChartTitle="Carbon and DBE">

           <s:FastHeatMapRenderableSeries x:Name="heatmapSeries" Opacity="0.5" Maximum="100">
                       <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="DarkBlue"/>
                       <GradientStop Offset="0.2" Color="CornflowerBlue"/>
                       <GradientStop Offset="0.4" Color="DarkGreen"/>
                       <GradientStop Offset="0.6" Color="Chartreuse"/>
                       <GradientStop Offset="0.8" Color="Yellow"/>
                       <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="Red"/>

       </s:SciChartSurface.RenderableSeries> .

and code

    double[,] a = x.Normalized2DArray(100);
                    Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries<double, double, double> heatmap = new Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries<double, double, double>(a, ix => (double)ix * x.binSizeX, iy => (double)iy * x.binSizeY);
                      heatmapSeries.DataSeries = heatmap;
          sciChart.ExportToFile(@"C:\Temp\chart.xps", ExportType.Xps, true, new Size(2000, 2000));
0 votes


I’m trying to create Multi-Pane Heatmaps by using your example for multi-pane stock charts. I need to have one colormap per viewmodel and I think this should be bound to one HeatmapColourMap each to display the values of color.
So the ItemSource of SciChartGroup is ChartPaneViewModels which contains x number of Viewmodels where I add HeatMapRenderableSeriesViewModel with dataseries to ObservableCollection. Is this possible? I’m having some trouble displaying the correct colors for the data.

1 vote

I have a problem with 2D heatmap performace due to lots of data. I tried some tips to increase performance (rendering priority, resampling etc.) but it is insufficient. I read a scichart forum about 2D heatmap performance and I found answer about possible performance improvement in future ( I would like to ask you if there is any performance improvement in newer scichart version. Actually I’m working with version

Thanks for your answer.

0 votes

Hello again,

I’m working with the 2D Heatmap. I am setting the DrawMajorGridlines to true but they aren’t showing up. I then realized that I could set the Opacity of the series to something different than 1 and the gridlines are shown.

The problem with this is that I want my series background (i.e. all the places where my heatmap has no data double.NaN) to be shown in white, but setting the opacity to something different than 1 makes the background black.

I have tried to set the background to almost anything (Surface, Series, GridLinePanel) and it’s not affecting it.

Am I missing something?

I attach an image.

Thank you.
Kind regards,

0 votes

I’ve created a 2D Heatmap Chart which works for itself perfectly fine (incl. x-y zooming, panning, annotations, etc.), but once I’ve added a 3D chart (even without any datapoints), the behaviour of my Heatmap chart changes. After a double click on the chart, the displayed range changes. The zoom and pan direction works only in yDirection, new created annotations are not displayed correctly anymore, previous annotations disappear, when I try to move them.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

Each chart (2D Heatmap and 3D Pointcloud) has its own view and viewmodel.
In the images below you can see the 3D chart (which I more or less copied from the examples).
The image on the right shows the heatmap chart before I created the 3D chart view. During that phase everything works fine.
The image in the middle is showing the heatmap after the 3D chart view was created.
In the meantime there is not happening much in the code. There is a message that the 3D Libraries are initialized (“INITIALIZING NATIVE LIBS IN SC3DS CTOR”). That sounds quite normal to me.

Thanks in advance,


  • Tim asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes
0 answers

I’m trying to use the VertexSelectionModifier3D inside the example on Heatmap 3D with orthogonal camera. I also tried to follow the usage of said modifier through the “Simple Select Scatter Point 3D Chart” but am unable to make it work.

Of course, there isn’t an IsSelected property in the UniformGridDataSeries3D values, but it even doesn’t hit the DataSeriesChanged event when left clicking in the chart.

Here’s the usage:

< sc3D:VertexSelectionModifier3D ExecuteOn=”MouseLeftButton” ExecuteWhen=”None” >< /sc3D:VertexSelectionModifier3D >

I need to be able to select points (x,y,z) in the heatmap 3D.

Thank you very much.


0 votes
0 answers


I have another question on the Heatmap 3D.

I have attached a sample app to show what I’m trying to accomplish. Essentially, I want my data points to contain NaN whenever there’s no data available for it. In that way if I want I could find out which are the points that have no data and create an interpolation throughout those points.

The problem is that If I initialize all my data points to NaN, and then I add the actual valid data, that data won’t be shown in the heatmap. I suspect it has something to do with the GradientColorPalette that probably doesn’t know what to do with a NaN.

Can you help me solve this issue? Maybe I’m using the API in a wrong way.

NOTE: If you comment the code lines inside the HeatmapModel class where it is initializing the data points with NaN and run it, you should get all red and some thin lines of different colors, which would be the ones that contain actual data. The idea is that all the red is not colored and show empty space and only show the fine lines, because 0 is a valid value.

NOTE: due to limiting uploading size, you’ll have to add the SciChart DLLs to the project manually.

Thank you!
Best regards,

0 votes
0 answers


I’ve been looking at the sample you provided for using the Heatmap 3D with orthogonal camera to make it look like a 2D Heatmap.

The example shows the axis labels on both left/right and top/bottom.

Is there a way to hide some of the labels and only leave one set of labels on each axis? (See image)

Also is there a way to hide the X,Y,Z Axis legend?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

0 votes

I have a question regarding coloring on the Heatmap.

Is it possible to color the heatmap titles by some other other value than the data value, like Color? CustomColorProvider(x, y, data value, DataSeries)? We would like to color by “value order” and not the actual value, and have the actual values displayed as text on the titles. (I have tried to adjust the ColorMap GradientStops, but without success)

DataValues could be
[ 10.5, 12.5, 1.234E+150]
[ 1, 2, -1.234E+150]
[-10.5, -12.5, 1.234E-150]

This should result in 9 evenly spread colors.

Best regards
Peter Friis Hansen

  • pfh asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
1 vote


I am using the 2D heatmap as follows:

mData = new double[dataSize, dataSize];
DataSeries = new Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries<int, int, double>(mData, x => x, y => y);

In my application the displayed data size can be changed by the users – e.g. 200 x 300, but there is also a known maximum size – e.g. 500 x 500 for the data. Since I would like to avoid unnecessary large object allocations, is there a way for me to reuse the data buffer and display only the required data?

I tried setting the visible range over the data that would need to be displayed, which worked, but unfortunately the performance is still the same as when rendering the maximum size image. Is there any other way to achieve the goal?

  • Rok Rode asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes


I wanted to know if I can achieve interpolation of values within a heatmap. Is there any mechanism out-of-the-box?

Thank you very much.


0 votes
0 answers


Is there any way to get the corresponding color value of Array2D from Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries? I try to create a histogram based on Heatmap.


0 votes


Is there any way to get back the 2D data array from the Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries object?

Full of hope for positive answer,

0 votes

I am using heatmaps in my application and would love to use the same color scheme that is used for those also in my xyz scatter plots. I know how to make palette providers I just don’t know how to get a specific color that is defined by a lineargradientbrush (defined in xaml) for a specific (relative value? 0.0-1.0 ). Is this possible?

1 vote

I would like to define two FastHeatMapRenderableSeries.ColorMap s. One in black and white for printing and the other one, … Why not just for the fun of it :D. How would I be able to switch between ColorMaps ( preferably through binding ) in wpf?

  • Michel Moe asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
2 votes
0 answers

Hi SciChart-Team!

This is more a feature than a support request but I could not find a more suitable place for it.

One of the strengths of SciCharts is its ability to select – use case dependend – the most appropriate resampling technique for drawing from a wide variety of options. Currently I depict a 2-dimensional empirical probablity density function (PDF) with the heatmap. The best way for a sub-/resampling would be a kind of “Sum”-Mode to represent the new “Cell-Count” and to prevent the disappearance of strongly localized, concentrated PDF-spikes if the window is scaled down. Maybe it is possible to implement such a resampling mode for the heatmap in a future release?

Due to the lack of a “Sum”-Mode I tried to use “Max”-Mode to keep the PDF-Spikes visible after scaling down but that didn’t worked as I expected. Was my expectation wrong? I know I can do it by myself and recalculate the PDF for the new heatmap size, create a new Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries … etc. but it would be nice if it would work out of the box.



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