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Tag: OpenGL

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1 vote

Hey folks,

I have an Android device (CAT S40) running 5.1 on it. I am encountering an issue when pressing the home button or lock button. It seems that sometimes when the app is in pause or sleep my chart surfaces are destroyed and turn black. I have only seen this problem on this device. The only way to restore them is to restart the app. I researched this issue an found information on OpenGL context getting destroyed on pause. There is a setting in GLSurfaceView called setPreserveEGLContextOnPause. I am not sure if it is possible to access this setting from the SciChartSurface or not.

After seeing this, I tested the SciChart example app to see if the problem was isolated to my app, but it happened in the example app as well.
Again this is the only device I have seen this happen on and I’ve tested multiple devices.

Thanks for your help

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