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Tag: PolarYAxisViewModel

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Hi! I have problems with visible range managing of a polar plot

The code in xaml:

<s:SciChartSurface graphModule:PlotLengthHelper.PlotLength="{Binding PlotLength, Mode=OneWayToSource,   UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" 
                        ChartTitle="{Binding ChartTitle}"
                        Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}"
                       RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding Series}"
                       XAxes="{s:AxesBinding XAxes}"
                       YAxes="{s:AxesBinding YAxes}"

First example. The code of the axis:

    var yAxis = new PolarYAxisViewModel {AutoRange = AutoRange.Never};

Changing the VisibleRange of the axis has no any effect on the visible range of the graph. It sets automatically in the very first time and remains the same.

Second example.

    var yAxis = new PolarYAxisViewModel {AutoRange = AutoRange.Always};

Changing the data (using line series) again has no any effect on the visible range of the graph. Again, it sets automatically in the very first time and remains the same.

Any suggestion on how to fix it? Especially the first case is required. Thanks.

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