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1 vote

I am using the 2D Heatmap with text as my working prototype. I wish to have a secondary Axis on the opposite side of my man Axis that displays a count for that row or column. To display this information is simple enough through using the LabelProvider (although two lines maybe a bit tricky), and I can do some stuff with the TickProvider when it gets a bit too busy.

My question is on how I can position these TickLabels to be in the center of a row/column?

My first thought was I could be cheeky and set the margin value to offset it in its style but it seems it only works so far with the TickLabel just displayed below the tick.

        <Style x:Key="LeftAxisLabelStyle" TargetType="s:NumericTickLabel">
                   <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,0,0,-30"/>

enter image description here

What I am trying to achieve seems to be the default positioning for column charts, and histograms. I was wondering if there is a behind the scenes option or an override I’ve missed to set this?

Alternatively annotations maybe the way to go but I get the impression that this is more for on chart labels rather than for Axis?

p.s. I think when dealing with multiple Axes, you should give an warning/error if an “Id” is not given to secondary Axis as the graph will just show blank.

0 votes


I’m having trouble making the RolloverModifier TooltipLabels stay inside the graphs canvas.


As you can see on the left most graph the colored sqaures and some of the digits has fallen outside the graphs canvas.
Also what are the TooltipLabels rules for clustering together, and rules for which side of the RolloverMarker the labels should appear on?

Still having a problem here… After setting the ClipModifierSurface on the SciChartSurface to False the time axis no longer clips the TooltipLabels.
But the graph itself clips the TooltipLabels when the label gets to large.

How do I make the labels stay inside the graph? As there is a lot of free space to the right of the labels.

enter image description here

0 votes

Have a good day!
Is there any way to make two and more axis to take place in the same position (one overlays another).
I’ve tried to do this using margin, but the surface had moved to the left border (picture 1).

<visuals:NumericAxis VisibleRange="{Binding YVisibleRange, Mode=TwoWay}" 
            <visuals:NumericAxis DrawLabels="True" 

            <visuals:NumericAxis DrawLabels="True" 

Thanks in advance!

  • Egor asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes

Because we have limited vertical space, I would like to change the position of the x-axis title.
Ideally, to the right of the x-axis values.
Using code behind, this was sort of possible, but we would like to do it using xaml.
Also, the code behind solution had problems when resizing the chart.
Is this possible?

0 votes

How can I shift my X Axis position upwards? I need to shift X Axis so that I can place some labels below it.

  • Anil Soman asked 5 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
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