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1 vote

I get the following exception:

{System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set a property on object ‘System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush’ because it is in a read-only state.

Other themes print fine, like BrightSpark. I guess Chrome has a problem because of its gradient background. I plan on using BrightSpark, so this is not a problem for me.

Here is the code I used:

        private void PrintMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var dialog = new PrintDialog();
        if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
            dialog.PrintVisual(FormationChart, "Formation Chart");
1 vote

Do you have any examples for printing and screenshots when using a multi-pane chart using a SciChartGroup? Our application uses multi-pane charts and needs to be able to print and create screen captures of these as a single unit.

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