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I recently needed to change the Rotation Angle of a polar plot from the default to 90 degrees. We have line annotations for different points on the polar plot. After the change, the annotation was still plotted on the default Rotation Angle.

I manually updated the points like this for the annotations to work:

var line = new LineAnnotation();

                var x1 = (double)NewSeries.DataSeries.XValues[0];
                var x2 = (double)NewSeries.DataSeries.XValues[1];

                if (x1.Between(0, 90) && x2.Between(0, 90))
                    x1 += 270;
                    x2 += 270;
                    x1 -= 90;
                    x2 -= 90;

                line.X1 = x1;
                line.X2 = x2;

Is there another way to update the annotation or is something like this the preferred way?

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