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1 vote

Hi Team,

I am getting the error message Sorry! your trail of schichart has expired message is coming on the end user PC through we have purchased the developer license and activating the schichart using the runtime key provided in my account. Gone through the steps provided in here .

Also checked if there are any spaces in the license key. FYI, my developer license is expired and using the v5.4 with nuget.

1 vote

Hello dear SciChart team,

Our customer has a new security program that starts on Dlls that are copied into a directory during runtime. At the moment has the customer the problem that this security program starts on an AbtLicensingNative.dll. This DLL is in the following directory:
% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ SciChart \ Dependencies \ v. \ x64.

For this reason the following questions:
Is this DLL safe?
Why is the dll only copied at runtime? Is there another solution for this?

best regards

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