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Tag: SCICategoryDateTimeAxis

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How can I create CustomCategoryLabelProvider?
How can i do this?
This example does not work for me

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Hi all,
I want to use CategoryDateTimeAxis in my chart but also i want to format Date.
I found in documentation CategoryDateTimeAxisLabelProvider class but examples are not working and
this part does not exist anymore.
// Get the axis controller which has the XAxis data on it as dates
let controller = dtAxis?.currentController as? SCIArrayController

My question:
How to get seconds or dates based on min and max values from visibleRange to format it properly?

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I have two question on iOS Chart.

1.How can I customize the display value for tooltip generated by SCICursorModifier? I would like to set the following:

O: 99.35
H: 99.35
L: 98.30
C: 98.75

The text color of OHLC value should be set according to prev. close value.

2.The function setVisibleRange is working for SCIDateTimeAxis but not SCICategoryDateTimeAxis
Here is the initialization of the axis:

id axis = [[SCICategoryDateTimeAxis alloc] init];
axis.axisId = @”X1″;
[axis setAutoRange:SCIAutoRange_Never];
[axis setVisibleRangeLimitMode:SCIRangeClipMode_MinMax];
[surface.yAxes add:axis];

Set the visible range after receiving the data

SCICategoryDateTimeAxis *xAxis = (SCICategoryDateTimeAxis *)[[surface xAxes] getAxisById:@”X1″];
[xAxis setVisibleRange:[[SCIDateRange alloc] initWithDateMin: Max:]];`

I tried to replace the axis type from SCICategoryDateTimeAxis to SCIDateTimeAxis, it works well. Any idea about this?

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