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Tag: SCIUniformHeatmapDataSeries

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1 vote

Hi I have an application where I would like to get the color information of the the pixel clicked on the uniformheatmap.

I am of course able to get the value, x, y using the hitTestProvider.hitTest but it does not contain any additional information regarding the color of the clicked pixel

Any help of direction is appreciated.


0 votes

Hi , many of the charts provide a way to set the date on the x axis for the data series and that makes the axis match the DataSeries value defined for that axis, but for heatmap dataseries when you define xType as date the xAxis of type date is not displaying on surface, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and there is no sample for dates on GitHub , the samples only use int , would be great if you can provide a date sample for the heatmap , thanks

0 votes

I’m trying to clear a SCIUniformHeatmapDataSeries after connecting it to a SCIChartSurface, but it is very slow and energy consuming. However, if I clear the data series before it is connected to the sci chart, then the clearing is pretty fast. How can I clear the data series after it is connected to the chart surface quickly? Do I have to make a new data series, clear it, and connect to the scichartsurface every time I want to clear a data series? This is for iOS by the way.
EDIT: code

for i in 0..<data.MATRIX_COLUMNS {
        for j in 0..<data.MATRIX_ROWS  {
            data.ecm2DMatrix[i][j] = Double.nan
            SCIUpdateSuspender.usingWith(charts.ecmSurface) {
      [i][j], atX: i, y: j)
0 votes

I am going through the showcase example for the spectrogram and I had a confusion on the sizeX and Y parameter of SCIUniformHeatmapDataSeries. Are these sizes as per the width and height of the surfaceChart ? I am going to plot an array of data. How do I determine the correct sizes for X and Y.
Moreover, is it necessary that the size array used for updating the dataSeries has to be (xSize*ySize)?

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