SciChart supports exporting to BitmapSource at a specific size, however, this feature does not work for us because we are using custom types for our chart annotations, and we get the following error:
“Please be advised that SciChart doesn’t handle serialization of objects with properties of interface type, collection type or custom type. You need to implement IXmlSerializable in such objects to have them handled properly.”
We haven’t found any example of how to implement IXmlSerializable in on custom type, and were wondering if some guidelines about what is needed to implement that interface could be provided.
The custom type that we are using is an AnnotatedPointMarker, which inherits the sci chart interface IPointMarker. It consists on a square, marking a data point, plus a text annotation on top, and a small line joining the square and the text.
- malĂș Diaz asked 3 years ago
- last active 3 years ago