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0 votes


When using splinerenderable series, there visual issues (as if the data points are unsorted) with the spline line at certain zoom levels.
If you zoom in past a certain point, the spline line corrects itself, showing that the data points are sorted in order.
See the attached screenshot and project replicating the issue.
This issue may be related to other issues currently active:

0 votes

SplineLineRenderableSeries doesn’t render curved graph line properly in Swift , it renders stepped line for the data series .For reference please check the Screenshot attached ,ECG line(Green) rendered as stepped line (Marked by rectangle). Let me know anything I need to update in my code

Please find below the code for initialisation go the graph and updating the graph same. I am updating graph realtime with same DataSeries.

  1. Graph initialisation code

    func init_ECG_Chart()
    //Remove Theme From Chart By Apply & Remove & Change Border color
    SCIThemeManager.applyTheme(to: self.ecg_Chart_Surface, withThemeKey: SCIChart_Bright_SparkStyleKey)
    SCIThemeManager.removeTheme(byThemeKey: SCIChart_Bright_SparkStyleKey)

    self.ecg_Chart_Surface.isOpaque = false
    self.ecg_Chart_Surface.backgroundColor = .clear
    self.ecg_Chart_Surface.renderableSeriesAreaBorderStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: .clear, thickness: 0)
    let lineSeries = SCISplineLineRenderableSeries()
    lineSeries.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: ecgSelectedColor, thickness: 2.0)
    lineSeries.dataSeries = ecgLineDataSeries

    // lineSeries.resamplingMode = SCIResamplingMode_None //Resampling off
    // lineSeries.resamplingMode = SCIResamplingMode_Auto //Resampling off

    let xAxis = SCINumericAxis()
    xAxis.axisAlignment = .bottom
    xAxis.drawLabels = false
    xAxis.drawMajorGridLines = false
    xAxis.drawMinorGridLines = false
    xAxis.drawMajorTicks = false
    xAxis.drawMinorTicks = false
    let yAxis = SCINumericAxis()
    yAxis.axisAlignment = .left
    yAxis.drawLabels = false
    yAxis.drawMajorGridLines = false
    yAxis.drawMinorGridLines = false
    yAxis.drawMajorTicks = false
    yAxis.drawMinorTicks = false
    yAxis.autoRange = .never   //Stop auto ranging axis
    yAxis.visibleRange = SCIDoubleRange(min: -32, max: 96)

    // yAxis.visibleRangeLimit = SCIDoubleRange(min: -32, max: 96)

    yAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.2, max: 0.2)
    SCIUpdateSuspender.usingWith(self.ecg_Chart_Surface) {
        self.ecg_Chart_Surface.xAxes.add(items: xAxis)
        self.ecg_Chart_Surface.yAxes.add(items: yAxis)
        self.ecg_Chart_Surface.renderableSeries.add(items: lineSeries)
        //self.ecg_Chart_Surface.chartModifiers.add(items: SCIZoomExtentsModifier(),SCIPinchZoomModifier())

    } //Init ECG

  2. Graph updation code

    func update_ECG_Chart(xValues:SCIDoubleValues,yValues:SCIDoubleValues)

    SCIUpdateSuspender.usingWith(self.ecg_Chart_Surface) {
        self.ecgLineDataSeries.append(x: xValues, y: yValues)
      //  self.ecg_Chart_Surface.zoomExtents()

    } //Update ECG

1 vote

SciChart running on iOS 13.6

Please see this short video which demonstrates the issue:

I have a chart showing a single Spline data series. The data series never drops below zero, yet the chart shows multiple points where the line drops below zero as you zoom in and out. This behavior changes as the zoom level changes.

Is this expected behavior for the spline chart? Is there a way to change the behavior so the chart does not show these sub-zero points?

private func drawChart()

    let series = self.getPositionSeries( name: name, color: color, results: resultsSession.rearResults )


private func createChartSurface()
    // If we created a chart surface previously then we need to remove it from the superview

    // Create a SCIChartSurface. This is a UIView so can be added directly to the UI
    sciChartSurface = SCIChartSurface()
    sciChartSurface?.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

    //sciChartSurface?.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth] // chart bottom falls off the view without this
    sciChartSurface?.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor).isActive = true
    sciChartSurface?.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
    sciChartSurface?.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.leftAnchor).isActive = true
    sciChartSurface?.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.rightAnchor).isActive = true

    // Create an XAxis and YAxis. This step is mandatory before creating series
    let xaxis = SCINumericAxis()
    xaxis.axisTitle = "Seconds"

    let yaxis = SCINumericAxis()
    yaxis.axisTitle = "Position (mm)"
    yaxis.axisId = "p" // position
    yaxis.axisAlignment = .right

    let yaxis = SCINumericAxis()
    yaxis.axisTitle = "Speed mm/s"
    yaxis.axisId = "s" // speed
    yaxis.axisAlignment = .left


private func getPositionSeries( name: String, color: UIColor, results: ResultData ) -> SCISplineLineRenderableSeries
    let positionData = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: .double, yType: .double)
    positionData.seriesName = name
    let start = resultsSession.indexStart + 1
    let last = resultsSession.indexEnd

    for index in start ... last {
        let t1 = resultsSession.sensorData[index-1].time
        let t2 = resultsSession.sensorData[index].time
        if ((t2-t1) == 1) {
            let x = Double(t2) / resultsSession.sampleRate
            let y = results.axleData[index].position
            positionData.append(x: x, y: y)
        } else {
            // There was a gap in the data.  Fill in the gap with a horizontal line.
            let y = results.axleData[index-1].position
            for tx in (t1 + 1) ... t2 {
                let x = Double(tx) / resultsSession.sampleRate
                positionData.append(x:x, y:y)

    let positionSeries = SCISplineLineRenderableSeries()  // SCIFastLineRenderableSeries()
    positionSeries.dataSeries = positionData
    positionSeries.yAxisId = "p"
    positionSeries.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: color, thickness: 1.0)
    return positionSeries
1 vote

I found the example for spline drawing, but it’s still missing the gradient brush that mountain series have, how can I add it? thanks

0 votes

In our view model, the data range is expanded to include data outside of the X-Axis range. This is done to preserve the spline curve which is defined by previous points– doing this prevents the spline curve from changing drastically by including X number of points outside the range.

When the Draw function is called, the point context that was bound in is filtered to the X Axis range which leads to the spline curve changing as you pan (especially noticeable if it affects a peak).

How can I change this behavior to preserve the spline line?

Updated — Setting ResampleMode = None does not give me all the points.

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