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0 votes

In your example “CustomTooltipsWithModifiers” you show how to apply custom styles and templates to XML generated RenderableSeries, like: (works fine)

s:VerticalSliceModifier.TooltipContainerStyle="{StaticResource TooltipStyle1}" 
s:VerticalSliceModifier.TooltipTemplate="{StaticResource VerticalSliceTooltipTemplate1}"/>

In your example “ChangeSeriesTypeInCode” you generate the RenderableSeries in code programmatically, like: (works fine)

var series = new StackedMountainRenderableSeries() 
Name = "any Name", 
IsVisible = "any visibility", 
StrokeThickness = "any int", 
Stroke = "any Color", 
Fill = "any Brush", 
DataSeries = "any dataSeries" 

My Question: How do I apply the Templates and Styles for Modifiers to the programmatically generated RenderableSeries?

Thanks for help.

0 votes

Is it possible to set different styles (color, thickness, strokeDashArray) for horizontal and vertical major grid lines?
Xaml preferably.

  • RTrade A asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
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