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Tag: Xaxis data range

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Hello all,

I am implementing polar chart in my wpf application, and I am trying to customize the next with no success:
– Xaxis data range is between the lowest and the highest value. I need that xaxis goes from 0º to 360º, but sometimes my angle dataseries does not cover the whole range (i.e. it goes from 15º to 270º). I’ve tried a customtickprovider, setting VisibleRange from 0 to 360º, but it doesn’t work. Any ideas?
– I need that the line connecting to points is a straight, but a curve is drawn instead. Is there any property in PolarXAxis or FastLineRenderableSeries to achieve this?


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In our view model, the data range is expanded to include data outside of the X-Axis range. This is done to preserve the spline curve which is defined by previous points– doing this prevents the spline curve from changing drastically by including X number of points outside the range.

When the Draw function is called, the point context that was bound in is filtered to the X Axis range which leads to the spline curve changing as you pan (especially noticeable if it affects a peak).

How can I change this behavior to preserve the spline line?

Updated — Setting ResampleMode = None does not give me all the points.

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