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Tag: y-axis

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hi. I have some questions.

Let’s say I have multiple surfaces.
I want to hide all but one of them, and I want the remaining surface to grow larger.

This will temporarily stretch the numeric value texts on the y-axis of that remaining surface.
If we want the bottom surface with the x-axis date to be larger, the date text below it will be stretched.

Additionally, when I make certain surface x-axis visibility hidden and other surface x-axes visible, there is a temporary flicker. I would like to resolve this issue as well.

I look forward to your response, thank you.

  • cha cha asked 4 months ago
  • last active 3 months ago
1 vote

I have a chart with multiple series, left and right y-axes and one x-axis, some series are assign to left y-axis and some are right y-axis and they all have the same x-axis.

But there is one specific serie that need to be control on its own. I consider adding another y-axis either on the left or right axis, but the issue with that is that both the left and right axes are vertically stacked with some other y-axes. So, if I add another y-axis, it will just be stacked, but I need this y-axis to be on its own and not stacked.

The image below show my current chart, and the white line serie is the one that need a y-axis of its own. Currently it is attach to the right y-axis.

  • Nung Khual asked 8 months ago
  • last active 8 months ago
0 votes

I have a chart with default majorDelta 10 for y-axis. Users are allowed to change the scale (majorDelta) of the chart. When it’s changed to 0.1, the y-axis labels are gone. The y-axis labels can still be seen when the majorDelta is 0.2. Please check my screenshots for details.

  • Quyen Sy asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

The scichart y axis is displayed as undefined after updating the data in timed interval. The y axis initially shows the value,but after the data is appended to the source, the y axis is shown as undefined in the chart.

I have attached the final scichart image with yaxis as undefined.

0 votes

App version

I am able to sync two charts and receive events between both charts.

However, I wanted to remove the shared y-axis panning between the charts.
I was able to get this working by setting the “withReceiveHandledEvents(false)” linked to the motion event group and setting the “.withYAxisDragModifier().withReceiveHandledEvents(false)”.

However, the current problem being faced, is that, the cursor is now no longer synced between the two charts as if I had “withReceiveHandledEvents(false)” on the motion event group.

I tried using the cursor modifier group, but this did not provide a syncing cursor between the charts.

Is there a way to sync the cursor between the charts without having the y-axis panning synced as well?

1 vote

iPhone 6, OS 12.4.3., X-axis, Y-axis texts are shown in inverted text. We can see this issue if we download the AppStore version of SciChart app

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0 answers

I have a chart with many data series, each with their own Y-Axis. Initially i set the data series to hidden to stop the chart being filled with all the Y-Axes but when the data series is selected from the legend i want to show the Y-Axis for that data series and hide again when deselected.

What i would also like to do is limit the number of data series visible at one time, is this possible?

0 votes

I have several series on a surface and currently use the Rollovermodifier. It highlights the datapoint on each series that intersects with the current vertical line of the RolloverModifier. However, I don’t seem to be able to display the corresponding y-values on the Y-Axis. How can I accomplish such? Is there any easy way to show the y-value of each series on the y-Axis that intersects with the vertical line of the Rollovermodifier?

  • bbmat asked 5 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
0 votes
0 answers

Using MVVM I am trying to force my 2nd Y axis to a specific min and max value. I’m setting the AutoRange to never and the VisibleRange to a DoubleRange(min, max) in my ViewModel in a function named ‘SetAxes(min, max)’.

The behavior seems to be that it works the first time I add a measurement to my chart. On subsequent updates to the chart (when I tell the chart via a method in my model to change it’s axes) it doesn’t update. Here is what I have…

        public void SetAxes(double min, double max)
            RightAxisAutoRange = AutoRange.Never;
            RightAxisVisibleRange = new DoubleRange(min, max);

        // 2nd axis range
        private IRange _rightAxisVisibleRange;
        private AutoRange _rightAxisAutoRange;
        public IRange RightAxisVisibleRange 
            get { return _rightAxisVisibleRange; }  
            set { SetProperty(ref _rightAxisVisibleRange, value); } 
        public AutoRange RightAxisAutoRange  
           get { return _rightAxisAutoRange; } 
           set { SetProperty(ref _rightAxisAutoRange, value); } 

       <!-- 2nd Y Axis -->
            <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="{Binding Path=RightAxisTitle}" 
                           Visibility="{Binding Path=RightAxisVisibility}"                               
                           VisibleRange="{Binding Path=RightAxisVisibleRange}"  
                           AutoRange="{Binding Path=RightAxisAutoRange}"
                           GrowBy="0.1, 0.1" 
                           Style="{DynamicResource ResourceKey=RatioAxisStyle}"
                           s:CursorModifier.AxisLabelContainerStyle="{StaticResource CursorModAxisLabelStyle}"
                           s:CursorModifier.AxisLabelTemplate="{StaticResource CursorModAxisLabelTemplate}" />

Don’t get hung up on the “SetProperty” function in my setters. That’s just an internal mechanism I use in a base class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged.

What I’ve noticed is that the moment I decide to zoom the right Y axis refuses to ever go back to it’s original range. I suppose a way to turn off 2nd Y axis zooming would resolve my problem?

0 votes

Im tryin to create an effect where I have a static point on the Y Axis and I want to perform zoom in, so what I did is to increase or decrease the Max visible range, what I’m left with is the rubber band effect where my static point isn’t static anymore because the point in “Stretching” in the direction I’m zooming.

0 votes


I’ve been looking through ways to have to y-Axis scale for really small changes/values.

For example, I’m attempting to plot 10 values between 0.99300 to 0.99400, and the changes between points can vary between 0.001 to 0.0001 or so (basically, really small changes)

However, my y-Axis seems to always start at 0 and the y-Axis major ticks are always at most a 0.1 difference, making the graph look flat.

I’d like to achieve the following:
– Scale to the smallest value i can scale to.
– Have my y-Axis to not necessarily start at 0.

I’ve tried the following:

Setting up y-Axis:

    self.yAxis = [SCINumericAxis new];
    [self.yAxis setStyle:axisStyle];
    self.yAxis.axisId = @"yAxis";
    [self.yAxis setGrowBy:[[SCIDoubleRange alloc]initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0) Max:SCIGeneric(0.1)]];
    [self.yAxis setAutoRange:SCIAutoRange_Always];
    [self.chartSurface attachAxis:self.yAxis IsXAxis:NO];


0 votes

I am currently evaluating and trying to find out if it is possible to draw the y-axis in the middle of the chart. Is this possible?

Like the alignment for left and right an alignment like “middle”. The sample only shows left and right alignment.
If it is not build in. Would it be possible to code a custom position? (But not by changing the source of SciChart but rather extending it).

I would need it for 2 scenarios:
A “running” chart like the FiFo Chart of the samples with the y-axis in the middle.
Like so (the pipe being the y-axis). First line the initial state. Second line after 3 ticks:

And a y-axis fixed chart like: y-axis at position 0 and the axis extending to the left with negative values and extending right with positive values (but at any possible position not just 0).


I would have the same question for the x-Axis but I haven’t looked into x-axis configuration myself yet.

  • Uwe Hafner asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
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