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Add verticallineannotations on a different thread

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I am trying to add some annotations to my graph. The problem is that this function is called from a different thread so I get the following excepion:

I thried using an invoke on the main thread but this doesn’t help.

This is the code I use:

 var verticalLineAnnotation = new VerticalLineAnnotation
                X1 = annotation.X,
                Tag = annotation,
                StrokeThickness = annotation.StrokeThickness,
                StrokeDashArray = annotation.StrokeDashArray,
                Stroke = annotation.Brush,
                ToolTip = annotation.LabelTooltip

            var referenceDataAnnotation = annotation as ReferenceDataAnnotation;
            if (referenceDataAnnotation != null)
                verticalLineAnnotation.ContextMenu = ChartContextDataTypesFactory.CreateContextMenus(referenceDataAnnotation.Type.Name, Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (IsChartFirst)
                verticalLineAnnotation.AnnotationLabels = new ObservableCollection<AnnotationLabel>
                    new AnnotationLabel
                        LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.TopLeft,
                        FontSize = 12,
                        FontWeight = FontWeights.Normal,
                        Margin = new Thickness {Bottom = -5},
                        Text = annotation.LabelText
//This is the line where I get the exception
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Hi Andrew

Thx for your quick response. I read the stackoverflow post you gave but this doesn’t give me a solution yet.
This is what I tried:

this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
//Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
//    ParentSurface.Annotations.Add(verticalLineAnnotation);
//DispatcherService.Invoke(() => {
//   ParentSurface.Annotations.Add(verticalLineAnnotation);

For clarification for the ‘this.Dispatcher.Invoke()’, the class where I do this is of the following type:

public class AnnotationModifier : ChartModifierBase

Also as you can see on the image, my function does run on the main thread actually.

If it would help, I can include the full class or make a testproject.

Best regards,

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Hi Kevin

Annotations, and SciChartSurface, are WPF FrameworkElements. These can only be accessed on the thread they were created on.

Please see StackOverflow: WPF How to deal with Cross Thread Access Exceptions?

Best regards,

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