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AxesBinding handles collection "Reset" notifications incorrectly

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If an observable collection changes with a “Reset” notification, the AxesBinding clears the surface’s axis collection but does not add the new axes from the bound source collection.

The problem seems to be, that SourceCollectionBase<TView, TViewModel> adds the axes from NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewItems, which is always empty if the action is “Reset” (this is enforced in the constructor of NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs).

I already have implemented a workaround in my project, but it would be great, if you could fix this bug (and give me a free renewal, so that I can use the fixed version, just kidding).

SeriesBinding seems to have problems with “Reset” collection changes too. It works on the first “Reset” but not on the second one.

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I have already implemented a workaround for this bug, so I don’t need any help. I just wanted to let you know about the problem.

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Hi Thomas,

I’m afraid your support subscription is expired, to access our technical support, please can you contact sales to talk about renewal? After that then we will be more than happy to help.

Best regards,

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