I want to use user’s settings in my application. I’ve created my own window for settings with checkboxes and colorpickers.
I’ve binded my series with settings like that
<s:FastLineRenderableSeries x:Name="tLineSeries1" StrokeDashArray="7 4" StrokeThickness="3" YAxisId="RightAxis" >
<Binding Source="{x:Static ProjectProperties:Settings.Default}" Path="Visibility1" />
<Binding Source="{x:Static ProjectProperties:Settings.Default}" Path="Color1" />
Everything is working fine and after restarting the application i get the colors and visibility of series as i want.
The problems starts after turning on ShowVisibilityCheckboxes=”true” in LegendModifier. After that, my settings dont work at all. Is there any way how can i bind checkboxes from the legends with my own created checkboxes or settings? In other words, how can i make them both to work “together”?
- Elteros Projektai asked 8 years ago
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Hi Tomas
Its possible the bindings in the Legend are overwriting your bindings.
You can try this technique instead?
Tutorial – Custom Legend with Color Picker and Custom Point Markers
This shows how to completely change the legend to add new checkboxes and controls to change series properties.
Does it help?
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 8 years ago
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