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Color points to match line color

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I am using the MVVM pattern.
I need the ability to create and style a variable number of line series in a chart.
In order to accomplish this I am binding the RenderableSeries to a collection in my view model.

  RenderableSeries="{Binding HistoricalRenderableSeries, Mode=TwoWay}"
  DataSet="{Binding ChartData, Mode=TwoWay}" SciChart:ThemeManager.Theme="ExpressionLight">

And then I am setting the various styles like SeriesColor and StrokeThickness in my view model.
I am now trying to color the points on each line to match the color of the line using a control template.

<ControlTemplate x:Key="ChartShowPointTemplate">
<Ellipse Height="6" Width="6">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Ellipse}">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Visible"/>
<!–<Setter Property="Fill" Value="Green"/>–>
<Setter Property="Fill" Value="{Binding Path=SeriesColor, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type SciChart:FastLineRenderableSeries}}}"/>–>

But I get the following error:

System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference ‘RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=’Abt.Controls.SciChart.FastLineRenderableSeries’, AncestorLevel=’1”.
BindingExpression:Path=SeriesColor; DataItem=null; target element is ‘Ellipse’ (Name=”); target property is ‘Fill’ (type ‘Brush’)

I have tried many several options to try and get this work.
If I hard code to GREEN I do see green points on my line.

Any ideas?

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I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

  • Charith Jayasundara
    Hi Andrew, Could you please attach your attachment again? Link seems to have broken. Thanks!
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