I’ve got an issue with ChartModifiers in following scenario. I’ve got bunches of signals, where every signal carry data from different sensor. Bunches are recorded at individual sessions. I need to look at them collectively, so I choose some signals from one bunch and some signals from another bunch, where one signal = one SciChartSurface control and every SciChartSurface control is aligned in sequencer-like way (like yours Multi-Pane Stock Chart example), because I want to see signals one under another. I need to have some group of ChartModifiers acting on all choosen signals, because time scale should be preserved (as in yours example) – it works in my solution. But I also need to apply a modifier to pan, that should works only on signals that are part of certain bunch, because starting point in time of certain bunch signals don’t have to be preserved.
Assuming, zoom should works on every signal from every bunch, but panning should works only on signals from one bunch. I already gain zoom functionality by the means of ModifierGroup and MouseManager.SetMouseEventGroup(), but i don’t know how to add the panning. Could you give me any suggestions, how can I handle this?
I’m sending some screens below.
- Bernard Opala asked 9 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
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Hi Bernard,
It sounds to me like what you want is multiple X and Y Axis. The axis don’t have to be visible but the only way to have series zoom independently of one another is to have them on a different axis.
This is what I suggest
- SciChartSurface with multiple X,Y Axis (treat each set of X,Y Axis as one ‘group’)
- Primary axis is visible. Secondary axes are set to Visibillity = Collapsed. Ensure you set an Axis.ID on secondary axis
- Group your RenderableSeries by setting RenderableSeries.YAxisId, XAxisId
- Use the following attached properties to enable/disable zoom on a per axis basis
Let me know if this helps.
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 9 years ago
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