I am trying to add a VerticalLineAnnotation with a text at the bottom to my SciChart graph.
The similar thing works great when the XAxis is a NumericalAxis, but throws an Exception when it is a TimeSpanAxis.
var commentAnnotation = new VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel()
// Setting the LabelValue only works when the XAxis is a NumericalAxis
// and throws an Exception when it is a TimeSpanAxis
LabelValue = "vertical line annotation",
ShowLabel = true,
// adjust this to '9' when trying it with a NumericalAxis
X1 = TimeSpan.FromHours(9),
My SciChartSurface looks like this:
<s:SciChartSurface Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding AnnotationViewModels}">
<s:TimeSpanRange Min="00:00:00" Max="10:00:00" />
- Matthias Fritsche asked 6 years ago
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Hi Matthias,
That’s really crazy that this crashes, I can reproduce on my side. I also discovered something wierd.
TimeSpanAxis calls TimeSpanLabelProvider.FormatCursorLabel to format the text ‘blub’, which it realises is a string and just returns the string.
For some reason in scichart this crashes, but I took the very same code from our codebase and put it on your app and it doesn’t crash?
Maybe something got changed in the obfuscation/build process.
Try this as a workaround.
/// <summary>
/// The TimeSpanLabelProvider is a pass-through which uses the <see cref="AxisCore.TextFormatting"/> and <see cref="AxisCore.CursorTextFormatting"/> properties
/// to format axis and cursor label texts.
/// </summary>
public class TimeSpanLabelProviderEx : TimeSpanLabelProvider
/// <summary>
/// Formats a label for the cursor, from the specified data-value passed in
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataValue">The data-value to format</param>
/// <returns>
/// The formatted cursor label string
/// </returns>
public override string FormatCursorLabel(IComparable dataValue)
if (!(ParentAxis is TimeSpanAxis timeSpanAxis))
throw new InvalidOperationException("The TimeSpanLabelFormatter is only valid on instances of TimeSpanAxis");
return FormatString(dataValue, timeSpanAxis.CursorTextFormatting);
/// <summary>
/// Formats a label for the axis from the specified data-value passed in
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dataValue">The data-value to format</param>
/// <returns>
/// The formatted label string
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">The DateTimeLabelFormatter is only valid on instances of DateTimeAxis</exception>
public override string FormatLabel(IComparable dataValue)
if (!(ParentAxis is TimeSpanAxis timeSpanAxis))
throw new InvalidOperationException("The TimeSpanLabelFormatter is only valid on instances of TimeSpanAxis");
return FormatString(dataValue, timeSpanAxis.TextFormatting);
private string FormatString(IComparable dataValue, string textFormatting)
bool hasNegativeFormatter = textFormatting.Contains("-");
string result;
if (dataValue is TimeSpan span)
bool negative = span < TimeSpan.Zero && hasNegativeFormatter;
string format = hasNegativeFormatter ? textFormatting.TrimStart('-') : textFormatting;
var formatted = span.ToTimeSpan().ToString(format);
result = negative ? "-" + formatted : formatted;
result = dataValue.ToString();
return result;
and usage
<Window x:Class="WpfApp7.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<local:MainWindowViewModel x:Key="ViewModel" />
<local:TimeSpanLabelProviderEx x:Key="TimeSpanLabelProviderEx"/>
<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource ViewModel}">
<s:SciChartSurface Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}">
<s:TimeSpanAxis LabelProvider="{StaticResource TimeSpanLabelProviderEx}">
<s:TimeSpanRange Min="00:00:00" Max="10:00:00" />
<s:NumericAxis />
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 6 years ago
Thank you, this works very well.
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