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DataseriesName with special characters

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How can I add an DataSeries with special characters like:

var newSurface = new SciChartSurface
Name = “Y-Test”,
XAxes = new AxisCollection(XAxisEventCollection.Where(x => x.Id == eventItem.XAxisId).ToList()),
YAxes = new AxisCollection(YAxisEventCollection.Where(y => y.Id == eventItem.YAxisId).ToList()),
RenderableSeries = new ObservableCollection(seriesCollection),
Width = Report1.EventChartWidth,
Height = Report1.EventChartHeight,
Background = ColorHelper.GetMediaBrushColor(Colors.White),
RenderSurface = new HighQualityRenderSurface()

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Hi Daniel

The property ‘Name’ is inherited from FrameworkElement. This is the name of the control specified in XAML so that you can access it in Code-behind. It is not the name of the chart or the chart title.

I suggest if you want to name your charts, you can either look at the SciChartSurface.ChartTitle property, or use SciChartSurface.Tag to store custom information about the chart.

Best regards,

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