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Dates between year 0 and year 9999

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Hello everybody,

I didnt find any answer to this. Is it possible to display data from year 0 to year 9999?

Until now i figuered out, that data from the year 834 to 9166 can be displayed. Beyond this range (eg to 9499) not data were displayed and the x-axis shows todays date.

Thanks for any help

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Hi Emanuel!

Please take a look at DateTimeDemoView.xaml where Axes are declared. It is possible to specify text format for axis labels via the TextFormatting property. So the current format is “dd:MM:yyyy” which means that Day comes before Month. Please change the format string to one that is more usual to you.

You can find more info about Axis API in our docs:

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Hi there,

Thank you for contacting our support team!

This issue has been logged and prioritized by our developers and they will get any updates as soon as possible.

Also, if you have any more questions on this topic or on another, do not hesitate to write to us.

Best regards,
Yelyzaveta Kisenko

SciChart Technical Support Engineer

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