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Disable label on vertical slice modifier?

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I have a vertical slice modifier. Currently whenever a series has a point near the marker, a kind of tooltip is displayed showing th value of that series at that point. I want to turn off this tooltip functionality (not sure if its called AxisLabel, SeriesValue or something else).

Ive tried setting various properties but I’m still getting the tooltip. Can someone point me in the right direction :

               <s:VerticalSliceModifier  s:SeriesValueModifier.IsSeriesValueModifierEnabled="False" ShowAxisLabels="False" >
                                            X1="{Binding ...}" 
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Hello, SciChart

I have found tool which seems to do what i want, but SciChartSurface doesn’t update after i add them programmatically.
By tool i mean VerticalLineAnnotation, here’s the code:

double x = harmonic.Frequency;
        int i = 1;
        while (x < Math.Min((double)MainChartSurface.XAxes[0].DataRange.Max,10000.0))
            VerticalLineAnnotation newAnn = new VerticalLineAnnotation() {
                X1 = x,
                Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(harmonic.Color),
                ShowLabel = false,
                IsEditable = false
            x = harmonic.Frequency * ++i;

after this code runs i expect vertical lines to appear, but they don’t. they appear only when pan or zoom chart (just do something): images before and after are attached, please help me to understand what i’m missing to make surface refresh. i tried to use method “SciChartSurface.UpdateLayout();” but it didn’t help.
Thanks in advance

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Hello, SciChart Team!
I have the same issue, but I create vertical lines programmatically.
Have no idea how to make values labels disappear, here’s the code I use:

var slice = new VerticalLineAnnotation()
                X1 = x,
                Name = harmonic.Name,
                YAxisId = "MainAxis",
                ShowLabel = false,
                IsEditable = false,
                Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(ColorsList[1])

and the xaml:

<SciChart:VerticalSliceModifier x:Name="sliceModifier" SciChart:SeriesValueModifier.IsSeriesValueModifierEnabled="False" ShowAxisLabels="False" />

Could you please hint me on how to remove values labels programmatically? Or maybe i shouldn’t use VerticalLineAnnotation?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. I Added a picture of what I want to get rid of (please see attachments).


  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Alexander, the VerticalLineAnnotation.ShowLabels property shows and hides the Axis Label. There is no way to hide a tooltip from a single VerticalLineAnnotation. What exactly did you want to do and why?
  • Alexander Volkov
    Hello, Andrew, well, I need vertical lines on chart that will represent harmonics, there are several harmonics,which repeat on some interval. I just need lines without tooltips. Is there another instrument that I can use to achieve it?
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Sorry – I’m not sure what happened, but I just ran my app again with the same code and now the labels are gone. My bad :/


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