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Display VisibleDataSeriesIndex in SciChartOverview

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I’ve got several line chart series in my ChartSurface and it’s possible to collapse and show them dynamically. If I collapse all series and only one series visible I would like to see that one in the OverView chart. But I cannot find a way to get it done. DataSeriesIndex always get the first series in the parentSurface regardless of it’s visibility. Is there any way to show the first visible Series in the Overview chart?

<chart:SciChartOverview ParentSurface=".." DataSeriesIndex=”1″ SelectedRange=”{Binding ElementName=.., Path=XAxis.VisibleRange, Mode=TwoWay}”>

Best Regards,

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The way in which you do it is right one. Binding order can cause the issue. Try setting ParentSurface binding after DataSeries binding, it may help.

We checked this behavior and it seems to be OK in our internal build. We are going to release it soon(till the weekend).


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Hi Charith,

You could try to bind it to SciChartSurface.RenderableSeries and use appropriate converter which would return the index of first visible series. Something like that:

<chart:SciChartOverview DataSeriesIndex=”{Binding ParentSurface.RenderableSeries, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Converter={StaticResource GetIndexOfVisibleSeriesConverter}″>

Does this make sense for you?

Best regards,

  • Charith Jayasundara
    Hi Yuriy, Yes, that makes sense. Thanks, Charith
  • Charith Jayasundara
    Hi, I just noticed that DataSeriesIndex property is not available with SciChart V2. I've tried below way to check whether OverView chart respect to RenderableSeries number that is assiged to DataSeries propery. But seems it shows the same chart regardless of the given series number (I've given series id 9 below). Is that supposed to worked?
    <visuals:SciChartOverview Grid.Row="5" Height="50" ParentSurface="{Binding ElementName=ChartC}" DataSeries="{Binding ElementName=ChartC, Path=RenderableSeries[9].DataSeries}" SelectedRange="{Binding ElementName=ChartC, Path=XAxis.VisibleRange, Mode=TwoWay}">
    Please let me know the recommended way to implement my original issue with new properties. Thanks & Regards, Charith
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