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Do not sync charts by all members in ModifierGroup.

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I have three charts based on the “Synchronize Multi Chart Mouse” example.
There are three modifiers in the ModifierGroup as follows:

     <SciChart:ModifierGroup mouse:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup="cellTimeModifierGroup">
                                    <SciChart:MouseWheelZoomModifier ReceiveHandledEvents="True" XyDirection="XDirection" />

I want to use MouseWheelZoomModifier and ZoomExtentsModifier to sync the three charts, but as for RolloverModifier, I want it to be only shown on the chart that has focus.
How do I implement that?

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Hi Xifeng,

It’s not something we support out of the box, but there is a documented workaround. Please check out this related post titled Sharing Mouse Events one-way.

Best regards,

  • Xifeng Wen
    Good idea. It solved my issue, thanks. There is a method called ' ReceiveHandledEvents ' in RollerModifier. What is the useage of this property? Do you have any plan to change it like: In same MouseEventGroup When this is true, it is triggered by another modifier. When this is false, it is not triggered by another modifier.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Xifeng, you can find all the answers about what ReceiveHandledEvents does in our KB article How to add Mouse Interaction to a SciChartSurface. At the moment we have no plans to change this area of the API. Best regards, Andrew
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