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Draw series by mouse

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I want add some line series my with mouse. Left click down for start, move mouse to draw line and mouse up to finish. The problem, that SciChartSurface do not raise MouseDown event ever. And another issue get mouse position according axis values.

What the best way draw line series with mouse?

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We have a sample which does just this in our Customer Examples Github page:

Custom Modifiers Sandbox contains a SimpleFreeDrawModifier, which shows how to use the Chart Modifier API to free-draw on a chart by mouse click.

There is an accompanying set of articles here:

Best regards,

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Thank you for quick answer. SimpleFreeDrawModifier works fine except XAxis.GetDataValue(e.MousePoint.X) function, it returns incorrect value. I have find, that XAxis.GetDataValue(e.MousePoint.X- 50) returns closer to correct value, but not for any zoom. How to fix this bug?

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