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EllipsePointMarker add Animation high cpu usage

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I add Animation in EllipsePointMarker, there is high cpu usage.
when i debug it,i found the code call “OnInvalidateParentSurface”.
There is a way to solve it?

DoubleAnimation opacityAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
opacityAnimation.From = 0.4;
opacityAnimation.To = 0.1;
opacityAnimation.AutoReverse = true;
opacityAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5));
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(opacityAnimation, new PropertyPath(EllipsePointMarker.OpacityProperty));

        DoubleAnimation widthAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
        widthAnimation.From = 10;
        widthAnimation.To = 18;
        widthAnimation.AutoReverse = true;
        widthAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5));
        Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(widthAnimation, new PropertyPath(EllipsePointMarker.WidthProperty));

        DoubleAnimation heightAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
        heightAnimation.From = 10;
        heightAnimation.To = 18;
        heightAnimation.AutoReverse = true;
        heightAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5));
        Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(heightAnimation, new PropertyPath(EllipsePointMarker.HeightProperty));
wpf 4.2
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It’s not something we have tried (animating size or opacity of the EllipsePointMarker), however, I will say that if you animate a property on EllipsePointMarker it will trigger the SciChartSurface to redraw everything, 60x per second.

This might be OK for performance but it might raise CPU usage a bit.

I would only be concerned if you experienced performance problems on the chart or on your computer. High CPU is not a problem but low performance is. So let us know if you have an actual performance problem and what you are trying to achieve we may be able to help further.

  • sun
    i’m using directx render surfance. it’s fine in my computer except high cpu usage and high gpu usage. but when i release product to customer, somebody has old computer, the line not showing. event log: amdkmdap has stop running
  • sun
    i change RenderSurface to HighSpeedRenderSurface. the line has shown in the customer’s pc. but the line was blur because the AntiAliasing is not working.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    If the line does not show, this sounds like another problem. Do you use this technique to detect if DirectX is available and fall back to software? Also, Are you using the latest version of SciChart (v5.1.1?)
  • sun
    I’m using v4.2.4 scichart because we decide using .net framework 4.0. I has enabling DirectX Rendering with Software Fallback. The follow is my code: s:SciStockChart Padding=”0″ Background=”{DynamicResource KLineMapBackground}” BorderBrush=”{DynamicResource GridBorderColor}” BorderThickness=”1″ Annotations=”{Binding Annotations}” Focusable=”False” Loaded=”SciStockChart_Loaded” MouseEnter=”StockChart_OnMouseEnter” MouseLeave=”StockChart_OnMouseLeave” PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown=”StockChart_OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown” RenderableSeries=”{s:SeriesBinding ChartSeriesViewModels}” VerticalChartGroupId=”{Binding ParentViewModel.VerticalChartGroupId}” ViewportManager=”{Binding ViewportManager}” s3D:DirectXHelper.TryApplyDirectXRenderer=”True” s3D:DirectXHelper.FallbackType=”{x:Type s:HighSpeedRenderSurface}”
  • sun
    there is a windows event log: the display card has stop running. amdkmdap has stop running
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