Recently a customer asked us on a support ticket:
We are trying to free the memory used by SciChart but it seems like
there is a large amount of memory still held somewhere in the code.
AttachedBug scenario:
- Run the 50-Channel EEG Example
- Start the UI, With task manager memory usage is around 40 MB.
- Press Run, memory usage increase to ~130 MB.
- Press Stop, memory usage remains the same (around 130 MB).
- Call the garbage collector manually, on the second call of the garbage collector the memory stays above 100 MB.
How can we release the memory allocated by a DataSeries in SciChart WPF?
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson asked 3 years ago
- last edited 3 years ago
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The reason for this is SciChart WPF’s XyDataSeries is designed to cache memory that has been previously allocated. For example, if you call this code:
var xValues = new double[10_000_000]; // Allocate 10M points X,Y = 160MBytes
var yValues = new double[10_000_000];
var dataSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();
dataSeries.Append(xValues, yValues);
// Clear data
The memory allocated will not be released.
This is by design.
There are many use-cases where you may want to call dataSeries.Append() dataSeries.Clear() dataSeries.Append() with a new dataset of the same size. By caching memory we can ensure the highest possible performance of your application.
How to release the memory allocated in a DataSeries?
In SciChart WPF v6.5 and below, if you set all references to a DataSeries equal to null, the garbage collector will reclaim the memory.
In SciChart WPF v6.6 and above, we have added a new optional flag to force the release of memory. Call this instead to ensure memory is deleted:
var xValues = new double[10_000_000]; // Allocate 10M points X,Y = 160MBytes
var yValues = new double[10_000_000];
var dataSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();
dataSeries.Append(xValues, yValues);
// Clear data
bool forceDelete = true;
Note this will mean the next time you call DataSeries.Append() SciChart will have to re-allocate memory which can be an expensive operation.
For more details please take a look at the ‘Control Over Allocated Memory’ section of the SciChart WPF v6.6 Release notes.
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 3 years ago
- last edited 3 years ago
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