I’m trying to switch RolloverMarker template at runtime from code behind, with no luck.
I have ControlTemplate definitions in XAML.
I create FastLineRenderableSeries objects and assign RolloverTemplates to them dymanically in code behind.
I add the series into sciChartSurface.RenderableSeries.
All this works.
When user clicks a series, a selectionChanged eventHandler method tries to switch the RolloverMarkerTemplate of the selected series
ControlTemplate ylbl = (ControlTemplate)Application.Current.Resources["RolloverLabelTopTemplate"];
flrseries.RolloverMarkerTemplate = ylbl;
The template object is created from Resources and assigned to the series, but the visible presentation is not changed.
Is there a better ( = working) way to do this or is it even possible ?
- Kari Kivento asked 8 years ago
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Hi Kari,
I’ve just modified SciChart ChangeSeriesTypeInCode sample and it works well for me. Please try it.
Best regards,
- Andrii Kubrak answered 8 years ago
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