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Having issues with getting Stacked Columns to look and behave how I want

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Hello! I’ve created a UserControl that houses a chart that I’m populating with StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModels.



    <sci:SciChartSurface x:Name="StackedColumnSciChart" RenderableSeries="{sci:SeriesBinding RenderableSeries, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}">

            <sci:NumericAxis Id="LengthAxisID" AutoRange="Never" AxisTitle="Length (mm)" />

            <sci:NumericAxis Id="ValueAxisID" AutoRange="Never" />




RenderableSeries dependency property

public ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel> RenderableSeries
        get { return (ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel>)GetValue(RenderableSeriesProperty); }
        set { SetValue(RenderableSeriesProperty, value); }
    public static readonly DependencyProperty RenderableSeriesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("RenderableSeries", typeof(ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel>), typeof(StackedColumnChart), new PropertyMetadata(defaultValue: new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel>()));

Creating StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModels for temperatures

foreach (PlotInfo plot in CreateTemperaturePlots())
                StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModel stackedColumnRenderableSeries = new StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModel()
                    Stroke = plot.Color,
                    Fill = new SolidColorBrush(color: plot.Color),
                    XAxisId = plot.XAxisID,
                    YAxisId = plot.YAxisID,
                    StackedGroupId = plot.GroupID,
                    DataSeries = plot.DoubleDataSeries

                // Set the Y Axis range
                StackedColumnSciChart.YAxes[0].VisibleRangeLimit = new DoubleRange(min: 0.0, max: 1200.0);
                StackedColumnSciChart.YAxes[0].VisibleRange = new DoubleRange(min: 0.0, max: 1200.0);

                Console.WriteLine($"Temperature Plot GroupID: {plot.GroupID}, DataSeries: [X: {plot.DoubleDataSeries.XValues[0]}, Y: {plot.DoubleDataSeries.YValues[0]}]");


Creating StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModels for gases

foreach (PlotInfo plot in CreateGasPlots())
                StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModel stackedColumnRenderableSeries = new StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModel()
                    Stroke = plot.Color,
                    Fill = new SolidColorBrush(color: plot.Color),
                    XAxisId = plot.XAxisID,
                    YAxisId = plot.YAxisID,
                    StackedGroupId = plot.GroupID,
                    DataSeries = plot.DoubleDataSeries

                // Set the Y Axis range
                StackedColumnSciChart.YAxes[0].VisibleRangeLimit = new DoubleRange(min: 0.0, max: 30000);
                StackedColumnSciChart.YAxes[0].VisibleRange = new DoubleRange(min: 0.0, max: 30000);

                Console.WriteLine($"Gas Plot GroupID: {plot.GroupID}, DataSeries: [X: {plot.DoubleDataSeries.XValues[0]}, Y: {plot.DoubleDataSeries.YValues[0]}]");


Temperature Data:

Temperature Plot GroupID: Group0, DataSeries: [X: 0, Y: 0]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group1, DataSeries: [X: 200, Y: 0]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group2, DataSeries: [X: 400, Y: 670.773630135875]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group3, DataSeries: [X: 600, Y: 740.345771031664]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group4, DataSeries: [X: 800, Y: 784.109352476318]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group5, DataSeries: [X: 1000, Y: 810.433384818085]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group6, DataSeries: [X: 1200, Y: 830.191409478306]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group7, DataSeries: [X: 1400, Y: 851.270291157906]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group8, DataSeries: [X: 1600, Y: 866.993960435544]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group9, DataSeries: [X: 1800, Y: 877.308898422191]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group10, DataSeries: [X: 2000, Y: 896.995238248967]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group11, DataSeries: [X: 2200, Y: 910.176039942053]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group12, DataSeries: [X: 2400, Y: 928.835289697347]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group13, DataSeries: [X: 2600, Y: 947.442843516404]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group14, DataSeries: [X: 2800, Y: 959.806601821192]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group15, DataSeries: [X: 3000, Y: 962.432915671719]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group16, DataSeries: [X: 3200, Y: 963.263705166903]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group17, DataSeries: [X: 3400, Y: 953.094653198038]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group18, DataSeries: [X: 3600, Y: 920.368723738552]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group19, DataSeries: [X: 3800, Y: 0]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group20, DataSeries: [X: 4000, Y: 0]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group21, DataSeries: [X: 4200, Y: 0]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group22, DataSeries: [X: 4400, Y: 0]
Temperature Plot GroupID: Group23, DataSeries: [X: 4600, Y: 0]

Gas Data:

Gas Plot GroupID: Channel571, DataSeries: [X: 600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel571, DataSeries: [X: 600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel572, DataSeries: [X: 800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel572, DataSeries: [X: 800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel573, DataSeries: [X: 1000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel574, DataSeries: [X: 1200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel574, DataSeries: [X: 1200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel575, DataSeries: [X: 1400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel575, DataSeries: [X: 1400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel575, DataSeries: [X: 1400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel576, DataSeries: [X: 1600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel576, DataSeries: [X: 1600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel576, DataSeries: [X: 1600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel577, DataSeries: [X: 1800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel577, DataSeries: [X: 1800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel578, DataSeries: [X: 2000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel578, DataSeries: [X: 2000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel579, DataSeries: [X: 2200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel579, DataSeries: [X: 2200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel580, DataSeries: [X: 2400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel580, DataSeries: [X: 2400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel581, DataSeries: [X: 2600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel581, DataSeries: [X: 2600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel582, DataSeries: [X: 2800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel582, DataSeries: [X: 2800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel583, DataSeries: [X: 3000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel583, DataSeries: [X: 3000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel584, DataSeries: [X: 3200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel584, DataSeries: [X: 3200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel585, DataSeries: [X: 3400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel585, DataSeries: [X: 3400, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel586, DataSeries: [X: 3600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel586, DataSeries: [X: 3600, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel587, DataSeries: [X: 3800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel587, DataSeries: [X: 3800, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel588, DataSeries: [X: 4000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel588, DataSeries: [X: 4000, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel589, DataSeries: [X: 4100, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel589, DataSeries: [X: 4100, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel589, DataSeries: [X: 4100, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel590, DataSeries: [X: 4200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel590, DataSeries: [X: 4200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel590, DataSeries: [X: 4200, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel591, DataSeries: [X: 4300, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel591, DataSeries: [X: 4300, Y: 5000]
Gas Plot GroupID: Channel591, DataSeries: [X: 4300, Y: 5000]

With the Temperature data, each StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModel has its own StackedGroupId. With the Gas data, there are multiple StackedGroupIds.

I tried attaching two PNG files (60K and 70K) to this but the forum says they are forbidden. Here is a link: Gas and Temperature charts

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Hi Greg,

before I answer this, is this correct?

Temperature Data

  • Your chart has 24 Stacked Series for Temperature data
  • and each series has a DataSeries with one data-point.
  • Each dataseries in a different stacked group

Gas data

  • Your chart has 46 Stacked Series for Gas data
  • and each series has a DataSeries with one data-point
  • Some are in same stacked group, some differ

The expected rendering of this would be as follows (see documentation)

Columns with different StackedGroupId

These would render side by side like this:

enter image description here

However, since each series has one data-point, then the SciChartSurface might struggle to decide what the width of a column should be (since column width is decided on by number of data-points / size)

Columns with same StackedGroupId

These would render like this stacking on top of each other:

enter image description here

However same comment about the single data-point might cause some problems.


If you expect images like the ones you posted:

enter image description here

For this I would expect to see three StackedColumnRenderableSeries, each StackedColumnRenderableSeries has the same GroupId, and a number of data-points in each series

and for this

enter link description here

I would expect to see just a normal column series, or one StackedColumnRenderableSeries with a number of data-points.

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Thanks for the clarification!

I got temperatures to look right but gases are grouped side by side instead of on top of each other. I’ll keep tweaking.

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