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How programatically add legend to chart

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Here is XAML code which works:

                                <!--  Defines the renderable series. Each series may be styled  -->
                                    <visuals:FastLineRenderableSeries SeriesColor="Red" DataSeries="{Binding Measured1StPointsSeries}" IsVisible="{Binding Is1StMeasured}">

                                    <visuals:FastLineRenderableSeries SeriesColor="Green" DataSeries="{Binding Measured2NdPointsSeries}"  IsVisible="{Binding Is2NdMeasured}">

                                    <visuals:FastLineRenderableSeries SeriesColor="Blue" DataSeries="{Binding Measured3RdPointsSeries}"  IsVisible="{Binding Is3RdMeasured}">

                                <!--  Defines the XAxis, using an explicit VisibleRange  -->
                                <visuals:SciChartSurface.XAxis >
                                    <visuals:NumericAxis AxisTitle="RA Pump Current, A" DrawMajorTicks="True" FontSize="30" TitleFontSize="35" Orientation="Horizontal"  MajorDelta="5" MinorDelta="1" AutoTicks="True" AutoRange="Always" VisibleRange="{Binding PowerXRange}">

                                <!--  Defines the YAxis  -->
                                    <visuals:NumericAxis AxisAlignment="Left" FontSize="30" TitleFontSize="35" AxisTitle="Power, W" MajorDelta="0.2" MinorDelta="0.1" AutoTicks="False" AutoRange="Always" VisibleRange="{Binding PowerYRange}"/>

                                <!--  Declare ChartModifiers  -->

                                    <visuals:LegendModifier x:Name="PowerLegendModifier" Background="White" GetLegendDataFor="AllVisibleSeries"/>


                            <visuals:SciChartLegend  x:Name="PowerChartLegend" Foreground="Black" FontSize="28" Background="White"  LegendData="{Binding LegendData, ElementName=PowerLegendModifier, Mode=OneWay}" Margin="125,23,0,0"  />

But I tried to create chart programaticall to render it in memory and export to bitmap, but I can not add legend:

        //Scichart thing

        var series1St = new FastLineRenderableSeries() {
            SeriesColor = Colors.Red,
            DataSeries = Measured1StPointsSeries,
            IsVisible = Is1StMeasured

        var series2Nd = new FastLineRenderableSeries() {
            SeriesColor = Colors.Green,
            DataSeries = Measured2NdPointsSeries
        var series3Rd = new FastLineRenderableSeries() {
            SeriesColor = Colors.Blue,
            DataSeries = Measured3RdPointsSeries

        var xAxes = new AxisCollection() { new NumericAxis() };

        var yAxes = new AxisCollection() { new NumericAxis() };

        //var powerLegendModifier = new LegendModifier() {
        //    Background = Brushes.White,
        //    GetLegendDataFor = SourceMode.AllVisibleSeries


        var surface = new SciChartSurface() {
            //ChartTitle = "Rendered In Memory",
            XAxes = xAxes,
            YAxes = yAxes,
            RenderableSeries = new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeries>() { series1St, series2Nd, series3Rd },
            ChartModifier = new LegendModifier() {
                Background = Brushes.White,
                GetLegendDataFor = SourceMode.AllVisibleSeries

Seems like SourceMode.AllVisibleSeries to be the culprit – tries to update non existing data. How could I have chart modifier added with c# direct code?

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Good Answer

Hi Justas,

We’ve investigated it and found out that it happens inside the LegendModifier in an attempt to get data before the modifier gets attached to a surface. So setting “IsEnabled” to “False” and then changing it to “True” just before rendering fixes the issue on your side.

Also please note that this forum is like StackOverflow, so it is highly recommended following the 1-question – many answers model. Here you can find guidelines:

P.S.: In your sample occurs one more issue after fixing that, during surface unloading. Not sure what causes it, please try and let us know if you can reproduce it either. If so, I think it is worth creating a new thread.

Hope this helps!

  • justas.bukys
    I managed to generate legend. Thank You.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    I believe Yuriy also pushed a fix to the nightly build, revision 5199. Sorry for the long wait Justas and thanks for being persistent :)
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Hope this code will help you. It should generate chart image and copy it to clipboard.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.Model.DataSeries;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.Axes;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.RenderableSeries;

namespace TestAppForSciChart {

/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml

public partial class MainWindow {
public MainWindow() {

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {

    private void GenerateReport() {

        Random rnd = new Random();

        const int measureCount = 25;

        IXyDataSeries<double, double> measured1StPointsSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();
        IXyDataSeries<double, double> measured2NdPointsSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();
        IXyDataSeries<double, double> measured3RdPointsSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();

        measured1StPointsSeries.SeriesName = "1St Random set";
        measured2NdPointsSeries.SeriesName = "2Nd Random set";
        measured3RdPointsSeries.SeriesName = "3Rd Random set";

        for (int i = 0; i < measureCount; i++) {
            measured1StPointsSeries.Append(i, i);
            measured2NdPointsSeries.Append(i, i * 2);
            measured3RdPointsSeries.Append(i, i * (-1));

        //Scichart thing

        var series1St = new FastLineRenderableSeries {
            SeriesColor = Colors.Red,
            DataSeries = measured1StPointsSeries,

        var series2Nd = new FastLineRenderableSeries {
            SeriesColor = Colors.Green,
            DataSeries = measured2NdPointsSeries
        var series3Rd = new FastLineRenderableSeries {
            SeriesColor = Colors.Blue,
            DataSeries = measured3RdPointsSeries

        var xAxes = new AxisCollection { new NumericAxis() };

        var yAxes = new AxisCollection { new NumericAxis() };

        var surface = new SciChartSurface {
            //ChartTitle = "Rendered In Memory",
            XAxes = xAxes,
            YAxes = yAxes,
            RenderableSeries = new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeries> { series1St, series2Nd, series3Rd },
            ChartModifier = new LegendModifier() {
                Background = Brushes.White,
                GetLegendDataFor = SourceMode.AllVisibleSeries

        surface.Background = Brushes.White;
        ThemeManager.SetTheme(surface, "BrightSpark");
        surface.Width = 500;
        surface.Height = 500;
        surface.XAxes[0].AxisTitle = "RA Pump Current, A";
        surface.XAxes[0].DrawMajorGridLines = true;
        const int majorDeltaX = 1;
        surface.XAxes[0].MajorDelta = majorDeltaX;
        surface.XAxes[0].MinorDelta = majorDeltaX;
        surface.XAxes[0].AutoTicks = false;
        var minusModulusAdd = 0;
        var plusModulusAdd = 0;
        surface.XAxes[0].AutoRange = AutoRange.Never;

        if ((Math.Round((double)series1St.DataSeries.XMin / majorDeltaX)) * majorDeltaX > (double)series1St.DataSeries.XMin) {
            minusModulusAdd = -1;

        if ((Math.Round((double)series1St.DataSeries.XMax / majorDeltaX)) * majorDeltaX < (double)series1St.DataSeries.XMax) {
            plusModulusAdd = 1;

        surface.XAxes[0].VisibleRange = new DoubleRange(
            (Math.Round((double)series1St.DataSeries.XMin / majorDeltaX) + minusModulusAdd) * majorDeltaX,
            (Math.Round((double)series1St.DataSeries.XMax / majorDeltaX) + plusModulusAdd) * majorDeltaX

        surface.YAxes[0].AxisTitle = "Power, W";
        const int majorDeltaY = 2;
        surface.YAxes[0].DrawMajorGridLines = true;
        surface.YAxes[0].MajorDelta = majorDeltaY;
        surface.YAxes[0].MinorDelta = majorDeltaY;
        surface.YAxes[0].AxisAlignment = AxisAlignment.Left;
        surface.YAxes[0].AutoTicks = false;
        surface.YAxes[0].AutoRange = AutoRange.Never;

        minusModulusAdd = 0;
        plusModulusAdd = 0;

        var minY = (double)series1St.DataSeries.YMin;
        var maxY = (double)series1St.DataSeries.YMax;

        if ((double)series2Nd.DataSeries.YMin < minY) {
            minY = (double)series2Nd.DataSeries.YMin;
        if ((double)series3Rd.DataSeries.YMin < minY) {
            minY = (double)series3Rd.DataSeries.YMin;

        if ((double)series2Nd.DataSeries.YMax > maxY) {
            maxY = (double)series2Nd.DataSeries.YMax;
        if ((double)series3Rd.DataSeries.YMax > maxY) {
            maxY = (double)series3Rd.DataSeries.YMax;

        if ((Math.Round(minY / majorDeltaY)) * majorDeltaY > minY) {
            minusModulusAdd = -1;

        if ((Math.Round(maxY / majorDeltaY)) * majorDeltaY < maxY) {
            plusModulusAdd = 1;

        surface.YAxes[0].VisibleRange = new DoubleRange(
            (Math.Round(minY / majorDeltaY) + minusModulusAdd) * majorDeltaY,
            (Math.Round(maxY / majorDeltaY) + plusModulusAdd) * majorDeltaY

        surface.ChartModifier = new LegendModifier {
            DataContext = surface.RenderableSeries,
            Background = Brushes.White,
            Name = "legendModifier",
            //ShowLegend = true
            //GetLegendDataFor = SourceMode.AllVisibleSeries

        var powerChartLegend = new SciChartLegend {
            Name = "legendModifier",
            Foreground = Brushes.Black,
            Background = Brushes.White,
            FontSize = 28,
            Margin = new Thickness(125, 23, 0, 0),
            //LegendData = powerChartModifier.LegendData

        var legendDataBinding = new Binding("LegendData") { Source = surface.ChartModifier };
        powerChartLegend.SetBinding(SciChartLegend.LegendDataProperty, legendDataBinding);
        // Export to bitmap
        var bitmapSource = surface.ExportToBitmapSource();
        bitmapSource = ((SciChartSurface)(surface.ChartModifier.ParentSurface)).ExportToBitmapSource();




P.S.: fix your file uploading – I can’t upload whole project in zip.

  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Justas, thanks for this! are you all set now? BTW the file upload limits files to 1MB (its written by the upload button). are you sure the zip file was smaller than a MB? To make it small, you can delete bin, obj directories and DLLs.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Something else you might want to try is LegendModifier.ShowLegend, and LegendModifier.LegendPlacement. In v3.1 we added the ability to include the legend inside the chart visual tree making it much easier to export to bitmap. See for details
  • justas.bukys
    Thanks for reply Andrew, but only if I comment out GetLegendDataFor = SourceMode.AllVisibleSeries, line then it passes without error, but no legend is rendered.
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Whole project

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So have You guys abandoned this yet?

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