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How to add annotations to stacked columns?

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I am using StackedColumnRenderableSeries and I need annotations like in Histogram example:

enter image description here

    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var brushes = new Brush[] { Brushes.Red, Brushes.Green, Brushes.Blue, Brushes.Cyan, Brushes.Gray };
        var groups = new string[] { "Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3" };
        var datas = new Dictionary<int, double[]>()
            {1, new double[]{5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0}},
            {2, new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0}},
            {3, new double[]{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}}
        var data = new XyDataSeries<int, double>[brushes.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < brushes.Length; i++)
            data[i] = new XyDataSeries<int, double>();
        foreach (var pair in datas)
            for (int i = 0; i < pair.Value.Length; i++)
                data[i].Append(pair.Key, pair.Value[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < brushes.Length; i++)
            var renderableSeries = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries()
                Fill = brushes[i],
                DataSeries = data[i],
                StackedGroupId = brushes[i].ToString(),

How I can add annotation for each stacked grouped column? I attached the example with my Side-By-Side chart.

Ideally, I expected the annotations to be like in attached image.

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Hi Ivan,

Thanks for your question. As to how make labels to appear on the top of every column, it isn’t possible out of the box. However, you could use Annotations for this. To calculate coordinates for them, try to call the AccumulateYValueAtX(IRendrableSeries, Index) method, provided by StackedColumnRenderableSeries.Wrapper. You will need to do this for every index of every series. Please take a look at this thread for more info:

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

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