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How to Compile a 3D model(like obj model) to a DLL?

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Hello, I am looking for a solution about how to get a 3D model DLL, like Schichart did in the example:SciChart_AddObjectsToa3DChart, and the name of DLL is: SciChart.Examples.ExternalDependencies.
I wish I can also compile a 3d model into DLL, because if I import directly an Obj model, it will become a huge burden for WPF.
Please help me if you have some ideas. Thanks!

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Hi Jong Ming

This should be apparent from our WPF Examples source code for ‘Add Objects to a 3D Chart

enter image description here

In this example, we include an object in th application like this



        <object:ObjectModelSource x:Key="PawnLowObj3DSource" Source="pack://application:,,,/SciChart.Examples.ExternalDependencies;component/Resources/Objects/Pawn_Low.obj"/>




            <object:ObjectModel3D TextureSource="{StaticResource BlackTexture}" Source="{StaticResource PawnLowObj3DSource}" Position="0.1875, 0.6, 0.8125" CoordinateMode="Relative" Scale="0.2, 0.2, 0.2"/>


The actual Obj files are included as Resource in the project properties:
enter image description here

Please let me know if this helps

Best regards,

  • Jong Ming
    Thank you so much for your answer! It helps a lot!
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