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Comments for "How to re-sample waveforms data from DataSeries"

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  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Nacim, if you have a SciChart license, you need to activate it. Could you do this please?
  • Nassim Tinkicht
    Hi Andrew, done!
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Great thank you!!
  • Nassim Tinkicht
    Is there a way to get an answer or a wpf code example doing this?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    I was working on it earlier but got distracted. Also its not 100% clear from your question what you want so I was going to post some generic info about DataSeries APIs … Can you clarify?
  • Nassim Tinkicht
    Andrew, I use IXyDataSeries(double Xtime, double Yvalue) to display my waveform, howerver the time is not evenly spaced (Sample rate can vary between each two Xtimes). Once the waveform displayed, I want to read it again ( let’s assume: the last 10 secondes of my displayed waveform) to get points (double Xtime, double Yvalue) where the data are evenly spaced (Same sample rate) I guess this means that new points will be created, some other will be deleted, to respected the “evenly spaced” condition. Is there a way to do this ? I saw a method IxyDataSeries(double,double).ToPointSeries() that seems to do this job, but I don’t know how to use it.
  • Nassim Tinkicht
    Hi Andrew, did you have time to check my question ?

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