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I want to compile the "Audio Analyzer Demo". Where is NAudio?

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I downloaded the “Audio Analyzer Demo” example, but the code does not compile because of numerous references to “something” called NAudio.

I looked for it in the Nugets, but I can’t install it because it only works with Framework 2.0 …

Could someone tell me where to find this dependency in order to compile the example?

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Hi Sebastian

It is included as a package in the SciChart.Wpf.Examples solution

The NuGet package is here. We are using v1.1 in the Audio Analyzer example. The package supports .NETCoreApp 3.0, .NET Framework 3.5 or above and .NET Standard 2.0. It should be usable in a wide range of .NET Framework and .NET Core apps.

Please let me know if this helps,

Best regards,

  • Sebastian Vallarino
    Yes! A while after posting the question I found that this version of NAudio worked for this framework, so it was solved, thank you very much! PS: I did not find how to cancel the question.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    That’s fine :) leave the question open it can help others. All the best!
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