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Initial range for AutoRange FIFO realtime chart

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I’m building a real-time chart using a FastLineRenderableSeries. I’m using the AutoRange feature with a large FifoCapacity that takes about 30 seconds in my app to start scrolling. During that initial loading time the chart stretches and makes it hard to read.

Is there a way to have the chart’s AutoRange make the visible range default to the Fifo size? That would make the chart fixed while the line draws across the chart. Once the data passes the Fifo size, it starts scrolling.

I’ve solved this by data binding the VisibleXRange and managing that myself, but it makes the scrolling very choppy and laggy. Am I missing something in the API or is there a better way to get the behavior I’m looking for?

Thanks in advance,

Here’s a video of the behavior that I don’t want:

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Hi Shawn,

Please, take a look at our Logarithmic Axis example, where axes switching is demonstrated and an axis binding is used for that purpose.

Also you could try binding the AutoRange property only, probably it will help.

Please, let us know if you managed to do this or whether you need more assistance with it.

Best regards,

  • shawn42
    Thanks Yuriy, That was exactly what I needed. Using AutoRange and VisibleRange properties would not allow the chart to scroll. (setting AutoRange to Always and VisibleRange to none when the chart should start scrolling) I ended up having to bind the entire x axis. Thanks for your help.
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Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in way to make the visible range default to the Fifo size, because a series can’t predict which data you will append to it later. What I would suggest, is setting the visible range to the desired range manually(and AutoRange to Never), and switching it as soon as all data points are loaded.

Could it be implemented in this way?

Best regards,

  • shawn42
    Thanks for the response Yuriy. I had that thought, too. I'm not sure how to get a reference to the axis to change it. Can I data bind the entire axis to my view model? A snippet of sample code might go a long way for me. Thanks, Shawn
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