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Is there a way to get only the visible MetaData for the points within the overridden BasePointMarker#Draw() method

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I am selectively drawing colored point markers based off of the Dataseries’ Metadata. I do this by inheriting from the BasePointMarker base class and overriding the Draw method. I’m running into an issue because the IEnumerable points parameter represents the visible points within the viewport, but the List of Point Metadata seems to be for all points within the RenderableSeries. These counts will never match up unless every point in the RenderableSeries is visible within the chart viewport. This is problematic because a lot of the times, a user will be zoomed into a different area of interest of the chart, and the point markers will not be drawn accurately since the points and the corresponding Metadata will not match up.

So, is there a way to only get the metadata for the visible points in the chart? Or at least a way to figure out the starting index of where the visible points will match up to their corresponding metadata within the larger IPointMetadata list.

Thank you,


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I solved it by first checking if the point was in bounds using the BasePointMarker.IsInBounds method.

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