I am in process of trying to upgrade scichart on a wpf project from 5.4 to 6.2. Before I created a class like below to override what the column width would be. Now it state that FastColumnRenderableSeries does not have a method called GetColumnWidth to override. How can I do same thing with newer version? Thanks.
public class ConstantColumnRenderableSeries : FastColumnRenderableSeries
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnWidthProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(default(IComparable), OnInvalidateParentSurface));
public IComparable ColumnWidth
get => (IComparable) GetValue(ColumnWidthProperty);
set => SetValue(ColumnWidthProperty, value);
protected override double GetColumnWidth(IPointSeries points, IRenderPassData renderPassData)
return ConvertToDouble(ColumnWidth);
private static double ConvertToDouble(IComparable comparable)
switch (comparable)
case null:
return 0;
case DateTime time:
return time.Ticks;
case TimeSpan span:
return span.Ticks;
return Convert.ToDouble(comparable, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- John asked 4 years ago
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Nevermind it was because i had protected for the method.
- John answered 4 years ago
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