I am using the LegendModifier to bind my RenderableSeries to my legend.
In my legends Datatemplate, I have a checkbox and a colour picker.
I notice the LegendData object is of ChartDataObjectBase type. I would like to group my data in my legend (eg, with a label), rather than just display the list.
Is this possible, similar to the images attached ?
- Craig Muckleston asked 7 years ago
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Hi Craig,
Tricky question! You might have to do some major work to achieve this.
1.) Would be to use a CollectionViewSource or otherwise modify the LegendModifier.ChartData collection to be grouped (you will need hierachical data here)
2.) Then to modify the SciChartLegend template itself to display the hierachical data.
In short, we don’t support this or have an example out of the box. We might be able to build it though but would be considered custom work.
How badly do you need it?
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 7 years ago
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