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Modifier Zoom History (Zoom Undo Redo)

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Zoom History

Ok, so as I had not had a reply,I have managed to slog this out and I have created a customRubberBandXyZoomModifier.

In this I keep a copy of all the VisibleRanges on the mouse down and on the mouse up ( if it was dragging) I copy these ranges into a list of ranges in my ViewModel (parent) see below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart;
using AVR_HMI.ViewModels;

namespace AVR_HMI.Charting
    public class customRubberBandXyZoomModifier : RubberBandXyZoomModifier
        AnalogueChartViewModel _parent;

        IRange _tempOldXRange;

        List<IRange> _tempOldYRange = new List<IRange>();

        public customRubberBandXyZoomModifier(AnalogueChartViewModel parent)
            _parent = parent;

        public override void OnModifierMouseDown(ModifierMouseArgs e)
            _tempOldXRange = XAxis.VisibleRange;

            foreach (NumericAxis na in YAxes)

        public override void OnModifierMouseUp(ModifierMouseArgs e)
            if (IsDragging)
                if (_tempOldXRange != null)
                    _parent.OldXRange = _tempOldXRange;
                    _tempOldXRange = null;

                if (_tempOldYRange.Count != 0)
                    int n = 0;
                    foreach (IRange ra in _tempOldYRange)
                        if (_parent.YRangeHistories[n] != null)
                _parent.AutoRangeEnable = false;

Then in the view model, I have an unzoom button which takes the last set of Ranges off the list and restores these ranges as below

       List<IRange> _xRangeHistory = new List<IRange>();

        public List<IRange> XRangeHistory
            get { return _xRangeHistory; }
            set { _xRangeHistory = value; }

        List<YRangeHistory> _yRangeHistories = new List<YRangeHistory>();

        public List<YRangeHistory> YRangeHistories
            get { return _yRangeHistories; }
            set { _yRangeHistories = value; }

        DelegateCommand _zoomBack;
        public DelegateCommand ZoomBack
                if (_zoomBack == null)
                    _zoomBack = new DelegateCommand(

                return _zoomBack;

        private bool OnZoomBackChangedCommandCanExecute(object obj)
            if (YRangeHistories.Count == 0 || YRangeHistories[0].RangeHistory.Count == 0)
               return false;
            return true;

        private void OnZoomBackCommandExecute(object obj)
            if (XRangeHistory.Count != 0)
                XAxis.VisibleRange = XRangeHistory[XRangeHistory.Count-1];

            if (YRangeHistories.Count != 0)
                int n=0;
                foreach (NumericAxis na in YAxes)
                    int offset =  YRangeHistories[n].RangeHistory.Count;
                    if(offset > 0)
                        na.VisibleRange = YRangeHistories[n].RangeHistory[offset - 1];
            if (YRangeHistories.Count == 0 || YRangeHistories[0].RangeHistory.Count == 0)
                AutoRangeEnable = true;


On adding a new YAxis, I add a new YRangeHistory

                       YRangeHistories.Add(new YRangeHistory());

YRangeHistory Class

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart;

namespace AVR_HMI.Charting
    public class YRangeHistory
        List<IRange> _RangeHistory;

        public List<IRange> RangeHistory
            get { return _RangeHistory; }
            set { _RangeHistory = value; }

        public YRangeHistory()
             _RangeHistory = new List<IRange>();

Hope this helps others, and if there is a better/easier way of doing this, please get back to me, I know I am on the demo version of SciChart at the moment, but we are intending to buy it and I worry about the lack of good documentation/support. I don't want to start looking elsewhere.

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