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Polar chart and Event Timeline chart implementation

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We are considering SciChart to our development pipeline. We need to know that SciChart is capable for plotting polar chart and Event Timeline chart. We have uploaded the images for this chart. It will very helpful if you provide sample code snippet to test. We have tested your lineChart, which is great.
Polar chart : Radius (To determine length), angle (In clockwise direction)
Event Timeline chart : Device name (left side), X-Axis=Time, Red rectangular marking indicates the time where the device is on.

  • Lex
    • Lex
    • 3 months ago
    Hi Don, Thanks for your inquiry. I’m forwarding the provided details to our team for further discussion, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we have an update. Kind regards, Lex, SciChart Technical Support Engineer
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Hi Don,

We discussed your inquiry.

For the Event Timeline Chart, you can try our Stripe Series Type.
Here is a corresponding documentation article:
SciChart WPF Documentation – The Stripe Series Type _ WPF Chart Documentation

Our “Gantt Chart” can also be useful. Please find the link below:
WPF Gantt Chart – SciChart

Regarding the Polar Chart you’ve mentioned, we can offer to have a look at the attached Phasor Diagram Chart example, which looks pretty similar to the provided description.

A summary of the implementation details is provided below.

X, Y Axes
The X axis has a fixed (AutoRange=Never) visible range from 0 to 360 which represents a 360-degree circle. MajorDelta is set to 90 to draw only 4 major ticks: 0, 90, 180, 270. 0 is on the right and other ticks are clockwise. These are true degree values on the X axis. To draw “+/-180”, “+/-90” labels, the custom PolarXAxisLabelProvider is used. It provides string labels for the true degree values (0: “0”, 90: “-90”, 180: “+/-180”, 270: “90”) and rotates labels.

The Y axis has a fixed (AutoRange=Never) visible range from 0 to 1. Axis ticks, labels, and grid lines are hidden.

Data Series
The chart data is set using the XyDataSeries with a custom PhasorVectorMetadata class. Each data series item represents a single vector: X is a vector angle (0-360); Y is a vector end value (0-1); Metadata contains properties to set the text, stroke parameters, and arc radius value (0-1). An arc is drawn for pairs of data series items (0-arc-1; 2-arc-3; 4-arc-5, etc.) if one of the items in the pair sets the arc radius value in the metadata.

Renderable Series
The chart is drawn with a custom renderable series (PhasorRenderableSeries) which uses the render context Draw… methods for drawing lines, sprites, and text. Each vector starts from the origin 0,0 center point. Because of that, data series contains only end vector point and metadata. For more information about the custom renderable series, please take a look at the following documentation:
SciChart WPF Documentation – Custom Series (CustomRenderableSeries) _ WPF Chart Documentation

The example just shows the possible implementation and SciChart API usage. It can be used as a starting point for further modifications. Please take a look and let us know if this solution is suitable for you.

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