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Rollover style, DateTime X axis

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I have four charts based on the “Synchronize Multi Chart Mouse” example. How do I modify the appearance of the rollover modifier? I marked up the attached image with what I wish to accomplish.

1) move the Y axis value that appears on a point to above the point so it isn’t partially hidden by the cursor
2) only show the X axis value on the bottom-most chart
3) format the Time on the xaxis value to include hours and minutes


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I know its an old question but in the interest of keeping the Q&A up to date here are some suggestions!

  • The RolloverModifier tooltip label on the XAxis can be shown or hidden by the ShowAxisLabels property. I suggest binding that property to some value determining if the chart is the last chart in a group or not

  • The formatting of the RolloverModifier label obeys AxisBase.CursorTextFormatting. It also obeys cursor text format output of LabelProviders.

  • Moving the rollover tooltip I don’t think is possible, but we are about to release some enhancements to template the tooltips in v3.1.

Hope this helps,

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Update: v3.2+

We now have a number of articles on how to style the RolloverModifier and TooltipModifier. Please see

  1. Adding TimeSeries Tooltips with the RolloverModifier. Scroll down to Styling the RolloverModifier
  2. Also of interest is Adding RolloverMarkers for the RolloverModifier
  3. … and SeriesInfo – The Series ViewModel for Legends, Tooltips, Rollovers
  4. … and Adding Data-Point Tooltips with the TooltipModifier

Best regards,
SciChart Team

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