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Rollover Tooltip to be in front of the legend panel

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Since sometimes the rollover cursor and the points tooltips are going below the legend panel, I would like to know if there is a way to change the drawing order of the legend panel (ZIndex?).

After some tries I just managed to change the ZIndex of the LegendPlaceholder, but in this way (putting -1 as ZIndex) the legend panel will also go below the axis bands and grid lines (see attached image)

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After some other tries I found a solution that works, but maybe it’s not the best one (I removed the legend placeholder from its original place, which was the root grid, and I moved it in the Modifier Surface, applying a ZIndex):

MainGrid mainGrid = ParentSurface?.RootGrid as MainGrid;
if (mainGrid != null)
    LegendPlaceholder holder = VisualTreeFinder.FindChildControl<LegendPlaceholder>(mainGrid);
    Canvas canvas = VisualTreeFinder.FindChildControl<Canvas>(ModifierSurface as ChartModifierSurface);

    if (holder != null && canvas != null)
        Panel.SetZIndex(holder, -1);

        if (holder.HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
            Canvas.SetRight(holder, 0);
        if (holder.VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Bottom)
            Canvas.SetBottom(holder, 0);

Please let me know if you have a better solution

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