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I have a dataseries from a music file and displaying it in realtime on the screen. The chart shows only a small portion of the waveforms and on each dispatcher timer tick (10ms) I am adjusting the visible range of the chart as shown below.

       // sciChartZoom.XAxis.VisibleRangeChanged -= TimeSpanAxis_VisibleRangeChanged;

        DateTime dtmp = dtmin;
        TimeSpan drng = new TimeSpan(0, 0, VisCon.zoomRangeIn);
        TimeSpan ttmp = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(VandC.posSeconds);
        TimeSpan dtlo = ttmp.Subtract(drng);
        TimeSpan dthi = ttmp.Add(drng);

        dtmp = dtmp.AddSeconds(VandC.posSeconds);

        double posAxis = (double)sciChartFull.XAxis.GetCoordinate(ttmp);

        Thickness m = posRec.Margin;
        m.Left = posAxis - VisCon.posRectmargin1;
        posRec.Margin = m;

        sciChartZoom.XAxis.VisibleRange = new TimeSpanRange(dtlo, dthi);

        //sciChartZoom.XAxis.VisibleRangeChanged += TimeSpanAxis_VisibleRangeChanged;


My problem is that the chart does not move very smooth and it uses around 50% CPU power(core i5 3.2GHz). Decreasing the timer ticks less than 10ms does not make any improvement.

I am attaching a picture of how the chart looks. The top is the zoom chart while the bottom one is always static.

Can you help please?


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Hi Julian,

its tough to say from the code and image you have provided what is the problem. We have customers often report performance problems to us and with a little tweaking from us, we are able to make huge improvements. We do need to see working code in front of us though to suggest those improvements.

If you are still experiencing problems please take time to look at our Performance Tips & Tricks page. Or if you require assistance, send a code sample over to support and we will be glad to help.

Best regards,

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